Thursday, July 16, 2015

1 Cor. 12-14  Paul wades deeply into the subject of spiritual gifts.  My pastor is in the midst of preaching through these chapters and has done such a thorough job of it that I want to just not touch it... But, again, I am waiting upon the Lord, listening to the Shepherd's voice, which is always new and refreshing...

The Holy Spirit distributes spiritual gifts.  ( 12:11)  He does this as He wills.  He does it them individually.  And He does it for " the common good" ( v7)
"Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit" (v4)
"And there are varieties of ministries and the same Lord" ( v5)
"And there are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons." ( v6) 

So, there is One Spirit - and verse 7 tells us that the gifts are "the manifestation of the Spirit".  An exhibition or expression of Him.  The spiritual gifts come "through" Him; "according to" Him; and  "by" Him.

These distinct gifts - ( charisma - gratuity, favor, deliverance, endowment, qualification, faculty) are for the purpose of "ministry" or service for and to the Lord, Jesus Christ.

And the distinct effects, the work that is actually done - is the work of God Himself.

So, it is the Father Who is working, exhibiting His Spirit by distributing His graces to His people for the purpose of serving His Son. 

It is not about what gift do I have.. or what gift is better or greater.  It is not about what I can or cannot do or be.  It is about abiding in Christ, being His servant and receiving from His Spirit whatever measure of grace He wills for the glory of God, Who is at work.

Father in Heaven, glorious and righteous and amazing, we give You all thanks and praise.  You are the One who works all things in all persons.  We can rest in You and live for You without worrying about what gift is ours and whether or not we are using our gifts.  We can just serve Jesus and know that Your Spirit will give us favor by manifesting Himself in our service.  You are at work. All things are for You and through You, to Your glory.  Amen.

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