Wednesday, July 15, 2015

1 Cor. 11   Verses 1-16 deal with a cultural custom in Greece.  The Greek men did not cover their heads like the Jewish men did when praying.  The Greek women did cover their heads and in that culture it was a symbol of virtue.  Paul was telling the Corinthians that this particular custom was fine.  They were not offending God as long as they knew that Christ is the Head or Master of the man and that the man had the responsibility as the head of the home and the leader of his wife.  This was not an issue that should cause more divisions.  " Judge for yourselves: is it proper for a woman to pray with her head uncovered?" ( v13).    I know that there are various groups in our society that believe that a woman must have something on her head.  If they feel that God is calling them to do this, then that is what they need to do. We are not to judge them, but they must obey the Lord and judge their selves.   On the other hand, most of the Christians that I am familiar with do not hold to that custom and that is acceptable too.  ( According to the Word, not me).

Verses 17-34 deal with a problem in the Corinthian church.  There were "divisions" or "factions" that were rising among the believers.  The church struggled with their diversity.  They had among their members - slaves, masters, tradesmen, philosophers;  rich, poor, and in-between.  Some were Jews with a religious background and some were former idol worshippers. They were coming together into one body and it wasn't an instant transformation for all of them.  We all have baggage!

Paul's instructions about joining together for communion was meant to teach all of them to respect and care for each other; to strive for unity in their diversity.  They had to be all focused on ONE central foundation - and that is Christ-  His death and the covenant bought with His blood.  To join together in observing the Lord's Supper is to physically, intentionally, be united in the Lord Jesus Christ.  To come into this sacred service with attitudes of superiority and selfishness was and is to miss the whole point!  " But let a man examine himself .... but if we judge ourselves rightly, we should not be judged."  ( v28,31)

Oh Father in heaven, how we need You.  Lead us in Your paths of righteousness.  Keep us focused on Jesus Christ  and Him alone.  Bring our churches together in Christ and fill us with Your Spirit.  Help us to please You by carefully examining ourselves and rightly judging our own motives and actions.
Thank You for being so patient with us.  We praise and worship You and give You all glory and honor.  In Christ we come before You, asking for Your will to be done and for Your kingdom to come. Amen

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