Tuesday, July 21, 2015

1 Cor. 16  Paul closes his first letter to the church at Corinth with information about himself and others who are traveling.  He gives a final charge to the church:
"Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.  Let all that you do be done in love." (Verses 13-14)   He also tells them to be subject to and acknowledge those who were laboring for the Lord among them and going out on their behalf.  Stephanas and his household are mentioned by name.

2 Cor. 1-2  Paul writes again to the church at Corinth,  looking forward to seeing them soon, comforted by the fact that they responded to his first letter with the action that needed to be done.  Paul has gone through some trials and reaffirms for them that he is standing firm in faith, just as they are.
 Paul also encourages the church to reach out and restore the man who had been punished for his blatant sin, but who had repented.  "... you should forgive and comfort him, lest somehow such a one be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow."  ( v7)  They were to "reaffirm your love for him" (v8). 

Paul speaks of his own passion for  "holiness and godly sincerity... in the grace of God".  His conscience is clear.  His purposes are pure.  All he has written and said, he does in Christ.  But even Paul has felt the need to defend himself from the accusations and questions regarding his authority.

Father in heaven, there is much here that we need to hear.  Let us have ears to hear and hearts to receive. Give holy and godly sincerity to each of us that we might stand firm in our faith and be strong, while doing everything out of love. Lead us in Your ways and may it be Your will that is done. I ask this in Christ Jesus, amen.

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