Friday, July 10, 2015

1 Cor. 8-9  Liberty and love are both important concepts that we must grasp in accordance with the Truth.  We have complete liberty in Christ.  We are freed from sin, from the Law, and from the world.  But, we are slaves to Christ, willingly coming under His rule and authority.  Paul is teaching, that it is not always loving to exercise our liberty.  If we do something that causes another believer to stumble, then it is sin. We are our brother's keepers...

When we walk in the love of God, who is our Father, " from whom are all things, and we exist for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him" we can be sure not to hinder any from the gospel.  Walking in His love, we sacrifice our liberties and rights, so that others will be strengthened in faith.  We want to live in the way that Paul describes,  " Run in such a way that you may win." 

We are called to be intentional in our lifestyle, in our purposes, in our plans, and in our daily choices. To act and speak and live intentionally in the Love of Christ.  How else can we bring glory to the Father?  Again, we must be filled with the Holy Spirit, so that Christ's Love is overflowing in our lives. This is the way we win the race.  It is the way I want to live.

Father in Heaven, may Your Name be glorified and praised and honored, for You are Worthy!  You have blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ.  You have made us whole, saving us from our sins, cleansing us and making us beautiful in Him.  Thank You.  Father, have Your way in our lives.  May Your good and perfect will be done in our lives and in our world.  Let Your Kingdom come.  Blessed be Your Name.  Give us strength and endurance, steadfastness and grace, to serve the Lord Jesus with all of our being.  Let the Love of Christ overflow from our lives today.  In His Name we pray. Amen.

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