Friday, July 31, 2015

2 Cor. 10  Paul felt such a love for the church at Corinth, that it was hard for him when they were doubting his authority.   He wanted them to see his heart.  He was the one who first presented the gospel to them.  This was God's plan!  But, he was not lording it over them.  He came with meekness and gentleness, like Christ Himself would do.  He did have authority, from the Lord, for "building (them ) up". (v8) His work among them was meant to result in growing faith and an expansion of the Kingdom.  (v15-16)  His letters may have seemed "weighty and strong", even terrifying,  but his purpose was to bring them good, to bring them to "obedience" in Christ. 

However, Paul was ready to fight a battle against those who were preaching a false message!  He would come with boldness and  "weapons of warfare"; ready to fight!  " ..for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.  We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ." ( v4-5).

The enemy that Paul is ready to fight, these "fortresses" are speculations - conceited imaginations, reasonings, and thoughts; and "lofty" things " raised up against the knowledge of God".  Hear what Isaiah has to say about lofty things:  

" For the Lord of hosts will have a day of reckoning against everyone who is proud and lofty, and against everyone who is lifted up, that he may be abased.  And it will be against all the cedars of Lebanon that are lofty and lifted up, against all the oaks of Bashan, against all the lofty mountains, against all the hills that are lifted up, against every high tower, against every fortified wall, against all the ships of Tarshish, and against all the beautiful craft.  And the pride of man will be humbled, and the loftiness of men will be abased, and the Lord alone will be exalted in that day."
( Isaiah 2:12-17)

Isaiah goes on to say that when these proud and lofty people come face to face with the "splendor of His majesty", the "terror of the Lord"- they will run and hide in caves and holes in the ground. They will throw away their idols of gold and silver.  They and the whole earth will tremble. 

What are these "divinely powerful" weapons of destruction?  What does he use to "take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ"? What can change a thought - a perception, a purpose, an understanding - what changes the mind?  Two things - The Living Word of God and prayer.  "... the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.  With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit... " (Eph. 6:17b-18).  

Paul teaches us to put on the "full armor of God" to stand against the evil of the day and the schemes of the devil. We are in a spiritual battle.  We take up this armor of truth, righteousness,  the gospel of peace, faith and salvation - these are protection for us, from the enemy.   But, the weapons against the enemy, the weapons of warfare - are the Word of God and prayer.  The "word of God"  the writer of Hebrews tells us, " is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart." ( 4:12) 

Father in Heaven, You have given us the Word, Living and active, to read, study, memorize, and meditate on - that we won't be conformed to the speculations and lofty thinking of this world - but "transformed by the renewing" of our minds.  We must hunger and thirst for Your Word, for it is the Bread of Life.  Jesus, the blessed Son is the Word, who became flesh and dwelt among us.  We need You, Lord!  Oh Father , like Paul we pray that we will proclaim the Word with boldness, to destroy the speculations and lofty things  that are against the knowledge of You. We take up these weapons of warfare, these divinely powerful weapons for the purpose of bringing every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.  Fill us Holy Spirit! Every moment and every hour, for the day of reckoning is coming soon.  May the Lord God alone be exalted!  Amen 

Thursday, July 30, 2015

2 Cor. 8- 9    Paul's word here centers on an offering that was being prepared for the Christians in Jerusalem.  The  churches in Macedonia were giving liberally and joyfully for this ministry.  The church in Corinth had been ready to give, and now Paul is urging them to complete it to their ability. (8:11).  Paul had boasted about the Corinthian church's gift.  They had promised "a bountiful gift".  He is urging them to come through. This passage gives us some important guidelines on giving.

When we give an offering, we should give "according to"  our "ability".  ( 8:3; 12)  We give out of what we have, not out of what we don't have.

Giving is "a gracious work" ( v7,19) that accompanies the giving of ourselves first; revealing in us an abounding faith, utterance,  knowledge, earnestness, and sincere love.

Giving - imitates the "grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich." ( v9)

Giving is practical- The Corinthians were giving to those who were in need now, but there may be a time when they are in want and will be helped by those who are now receiving. (v13-14)

Giving is for "the glory of the Lord". (v19)  So, it is important that those who administer the gift be "honorable"; "tested", and "diligent" so that God is glorified.

Giving should be "bountiful... not affected by covetousness" (9:5) "..he who sows sparingly shall also reap sparingly; and he who sows bountifully shall also reap bountifully." ( v6) To give bountifully is to give with blessing and thanksgiving, to invoke a benediction ( an affirmation or prayer of God's blessing).

Giving is to be carefully, prayerfully,  and honestly thought out - "Let each one do as he has purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver" ( v7)

Giving is something we do in partnership with God.  " And God is able to make all grace abound to you, that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed." ( v8)   God "supplies the seed to the sower";  He supplies and multiplies "your seed for sowing" and increases " the harvest of your righteousness".   (v10)  He starts the process by giving to us,  He does the multiplying, and He allows us to reap the harvest! 

Giving with generosity ( liberality) results in our enrichment and more importantly thanksgiving to God. (v11)  

Giving in this way is another evidence or proof of "obedience to.. confession of the gospel of Christ." It reveals that Christ is in us. (v13) Again bringing glory and thanksgiving to God, as well as a mutual love and affection between those who give and those who have received. (v14).

Our thinking about giving, to those in need or to the church or other ministry,  must be aligned with the Word of God.  It is not out of obligation to the Law or out of pressure from others that we give... we give out of our union and communion with our Savior and God, to His glory!  We give because He gave.  We give because we know Him and love Him. We give because of His Grace which has filled our own hearts. We give, because we have learned that the more we give, the more He blesses.

Personally, we have found this to be true.  You can never out give the Lord!  Thanks be to God for His great grace and tender mercies!

Father, have Your own way, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.  Remove any covetousness from our hearts that we might always give bountifully for Your glory!  In the Name of our Gracious Redeemer Who gave Himself for us, we pray. Amen.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

2 Cor. 7  Paul focuses on the word "comfort" in this chapter.  He was "filled with comfort" ( v4); he was comforted by the coming of Titus ( v6) who brought comfort to Paul because he received comfort from the Corinthians. ( v7).  But, most of all, Paul was comforted by " God, who comforts the depressed" ( v6)  This word - comfort- is the Greek word "parakaleo", which means to call near; invite, invoke, console.  We are comforted by the One Who calls us by name to come near to Him and find solace in His Presence.

" Make room for us in your hearts.... "  Paul implores his friends, come near.
Paul acknowledges that his first letter had caused them sorrow.  But, he is thankful that the sorrow led to repentance.  This also stirred the church in Corinth to produce " vindication of yourselves, indignation, ..fear... longing..zeal.. and earnestness." ( v11-12)  This response is the source of Paul's great joy and comfort. It also restored Paul's confidence in them.

Chapter 8 The emphasis in this chapter is "earnestness".   Earnestness incorporates eagerness and carefulness.. speed with diligence.   Paul says that the church abounded " in everything, in faith and utterance and knowledge and in all earnestness and in the love we inspired in you..."  ( v7)  They needed to complete their pledge of presenting a gift for the needy in Jerusalem, to prove this earnestness, to show the sincerity of their love for others.

Titus had become "earnest" for the people of Corinth.  He desired to return to them, to participate with them in this ministry, "for the glory of the Lord Himself".

Father in heaven, give us ears to hear and hearts to obey.  May we be filled with comfort by Your Presence as You call us to Yourself, as we draw nearer and nearer to Your Heart.  May we abound in earnestness, sincerely loving our brothers and sisters in Christ, showing our love by coming alongside them and comforting them also.  We thirst for You,  fill us with Your Spirit,the Spring of Living Water, to overflow in earnestness for others.  We are unable to do anything without You, Lord Jesus.  You are the Vine and we are the branches.  We abide in You. You abide in us.  Thank You for being our All in all.  Amen.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

2 Cor. 6  Verse 1 "And working together with Him, we also urge you not to receive the grace of God in vain -"  The Bible Knowledge Commentary indicates that the way this might happen - receiving God's grace in vain - is either to disbelieve the Gospel or to follow the teachings of false apostles, probably the Judaizers.  The message of the Gospel that Paul preached was salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone; that is the gift ( grace)  of His righteousness exchanged for our sin.. through Jesus.

Paul wants the Corinthians to see the proof that his ministry is the truth; to not follow empty, useless, false teachings.  The proofs he gives are:
His endurance
His afflictions
His hardships
His distresses
His beatings, imprisonments, tumults, labors, sleeplessness, and hunger;
His purity, knowledge, patience, kindness,  - the fruits of the Spirit;
His genuine love;
The Word of truth, the power of God, and the weapons of righteousness -

All that they could readily see at work in Paul's life, the good and the bad, gave proof to Paul's genuine faith in Jesus Christ.  His life was God's message to them.  " .. by glory and dishonor, by evil report and good report;.. " Christ is seen in Paul's ministry.  He made every effort to live a life that gave glory to God.  They could see that for themselves if they would "open wide" their hearts to him, just as he had opened his heart to them.

Paul cautions the church about being "bound together with unbelievers".  Whether this refers to the false teachers or those who were still bound to idols - the presence of these people in the church would be allowing Satan himself ( Belial)  into God's temple.  They.. and we... are called to come out and be separate from those who are "unclean" - impure, morally corrupt, and even demonic.

"Therefore, having these promises beloved, ( the promises that God would walk among us and make us His people, that He would be a Father to us and we would be His sons and daughters. Verses 16-18).. let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God." (7:1)

Father in heaven, we honor You and bless Your Name forever and ever.  There is no other god and no other name that we want to even speak.  We desire to live in holiness, clinging to You, our Father and our God.  It is through the gospel of Jesus Christ that we have been made Your children, exchanging our sins for His righteousness.  How marvelous are Your works, O Lord!  Thank You.  Father, I ask that You would shine this glorious Light, the Truth of Your Word, into our hearts and into the hearts of my loved ones. I pray for their salvation and for their sanctification through Your Word and through the Living Water, Your Holy Spirit.  It is in Christ's Name that I ask this . amen.

Monday, July 27, 2015

2 Cor. 5:11-21  "Therefore"....  because we will appear before the judgement seat of Christ.. "knowing the fear of the Lord"... because Life is at stake - " we persuade men".  Paul argues, teaches, convinces, entreats, and prays that men will come to faith in Jesus.  Even if it appears he is a mad man "beside ourselves" - it doesn't matter - only that men come to Christ.  "For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this, that one died for all, therefore all died; and He died for all, that they who live should no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf." ( v13-14) 

Nothing else, no other argument is important, only that " .. all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation." (v18).  This ministry is defined clearly, " God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation."

Reconciliation - exchange; restoration.  This word goes deeper than our common understanding.  It is more than just becoming friends again. More than making peace.  God "made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him."  In the life and death and resurrection of Jesus, God made an exchange possible for all who will receive it - an exchange of our sin for His righteousness. 

This exchange is offered to "the world". 
 It brings total forgiveness and justification, " not counting their trespasses against them".
The "old things"  pass away.  The "new creature" comes into being - in Christ .

The only way to be reconciled to God is through Jesus Christ.  It is not God who is reconciled to us - He does not change !  We must be- changed, exchanging our sin for His righteousness through faith in Jesus Christ - reconciled to Him.  There is no other way to God, except through Jesus.

Father, give us ears to hear and hearts to receive Your Word.  Thank You for reconciling us to Yourself through Jesus Christ. How we praise You. Wonderful God and Gracious Father, we are so grateful. Amen

Friday, July 24, 2015

2 Cor. 5:1-10  Paul makes a comparison between the temporal and the eternal.  Right now we live in an "earthly tent" - a residence or abode, that is our temporary home.  Our souls dwell in a house, a hut, our human bodies.  But, this house will one day be torn down.  It is not meant for eternity.  When we leave this temporal home, as believers in Christ, we will "have a building from God".  This building is not made  "with hands".  It is not earthly at all - it is from God. This will be our permanent dwelling place.

Now, in this body/home, we groan; we are burdened; we are naked; we are mortal -liable to die - in the process of dying. ( v3-4)
Then, we will be clothed; "swallowed up by life". Imperishable and immortal. Incorruptible and unable to decay. Undying. (v4)

In John14: 2-3 Jesus says, " In My Father's house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also."   The word for "house " is the same one Paul uses - a home or residence. The dwelling place that Jesus is preparing for us in heaven is the "building from God...not made by hands".  It is not a mansion or a room - it is a new, imperishable, immortal, incorruptible, living, heavenly dwelling.

"Now He who prepared us for this very purpose is God..." v5 
Stop and think about that a minute. God's purpose for us is to LIVE, to be "swallowed up by life."  And He has given us "the Spirit as a pledge".  A downpayment, a security deposit... A binding contract on a New and Eternal Home.  The Spirit of the Living God, is given to those who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord, and as we receive Him, we receive the contract to our eternal, immortal, incorruptible, imperishable homes.

Since this is true, Paul says, be of "good courage";  "walk by faith";  and aim to be "pleasing to Him".
Be of good courage, because we know that when we leave this human body, we have a much better one waiting! Be of good courage, because when we leave this home, we will be at home with the Lord!
Walk by faith, not by sight.  Look at the unseen and not the seen.  Everything that we see with our physical eyes is destined for destruction. It is corrupt.  It will perish.  But the things we "see" by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ,  those things will never end - because He will never perish, never die, never be corrupted.
Aim to please Him, because what we do now, in our temporal bodies, does matter.  At the judgement seat, Christ will recompense us for the deeds we do, whether good or bad. It is His will that we need to discern and do, "that which is good and acceptable and perfect". ( Romans 12:2)

Father in heaven, once again we ask that You give us Your Spirit, to fill us to the full, to bring understanding- to know Your perfect will; and then the power to do Your perfect works.  May we be of good courage, walk by faith, and please You in all we do this day.  In the Name of our marvelous Lord, Jesus Christ we ask this.  Amen.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

2 Cor. 4   Paul's ministry - of the Spirit and of Righteousness - came by the mercy of God.  Since God called him to serve in this manner, he does not "lose heart". (v1)  No matter the circumstances, Paul affirms that he will continue to preach the Gospel.   Even when the unbelievers can't understand it because their eyes have been blinded by the evil one, Paul says he will continue to preach Jesus Christ as Lord.  "For God, who said 'Light shall shine out of darkness' is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ." ( v6)  He will give that Light to others too. So don't lose heart. Don't give up.

Whether afflicted, perplexed, persecuted, struck down,  or dying - Paul declares his faith in Jesus Christ.  Again, he states - "we do not lose heart" ( v16)
Because he believes, he speaks.
Because he knows that the One who raised Jesus will raise him too, he keeps spreading the gospel.
Because the " momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison" ( v17),  he keeps his eyes on the "unseen" and "eternal"  things.

People are perishing.  Their eyes have been blinded by Satan.  They are missing the glory of Christ.
The glory that God, in His mercy, has allowed us to see by shining His Light into our hearts.  We have this great Treasure - in our weak, fragile " earthen vessels", our temporary tents, that will one day be replaced .  Why?   So that "the surpassing greatness of the power may be of God and not from ourselves."  We are God's letter, His message to the world.  When God takes us and transforms us, when His Light and Glory begin to shine in us, in spite of our weaknesses and failures - then Jesus is manifested - revealed and declared! 

This is the ministry that God has given to each of us. To be His ambassadors of reconciliation. To bring others to the Light.

Father in heaven, we honor Your holy Name.  You are the Giver of Life and Light.  Thank You for revealing Yourself in Jesus Christ " the image of God".  Thank You for giving us Light so that we can know Your Glory in Christ.  Father, we pray for those who are perishing, blinded by Satan.  We plead for You to show mercy to them, and to shine Your Holy Light into their hearts.  You are able to do all things. I pray for those family members who still are unbelievers. May Your grace spread more an more, so that the "giving of thanks" will abound to Your Glory.  Amen.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

11 Cor. 3   Paul's authority as an apostle was being questioned by some at Corinth.  Paul asks them to think about this - do they need a letter ( a written message)  from the other apostles to prove that he is a chosen messenger of Jesus Christ?  No,  because, they are the written message that really counts.  They are the "letter", the written message of Christ.

 Why look for a message written with ink, when they have a message written by the Spirit of the Living God?

Why look for a message written on stone, when there is an evident message that has been written on their hearts?

Paul is confident that God has made  him adequate to serve as a messenger of the new covenant.  The Spirit, who gives life is the Spirit who has given him the message of grace and glory.  Paul compares the giving of the 10 commandments to Moses to the gift of the new covenant through the Spirit of God.

The "ministry of death... and condemnation"(v7,9)  - the commandments engraved on stones - came with glory.
The " ministry of the Spirit....  a ministry of righteousness"( v8-9)  - comes with MORE glory!

The first glory fades - Moses had to wear a veil over his face after he met with God.  It was too much for the people to see until it began to fade. Paul indicates that it is the fading of the glory that Moses hid.

The second glory never fades - no veil is needed.  There is a freedom to behold the glory of God and be transformed by it. 

The veil- kept Israel from receiving the written message in its full glory.  Their " minds were hardened".  This veil is removed " in Christ" whenever a person " turns to the Lord".  Only when a person turns to the Lord is the veil lifted and he is able to see the glory of the Lord.  The Spirit of the Lord gives that liberty to gaze at His glory and be transformed into the same image - " from glory to glory." 

You and I are "a letter of Christ" too.   If we have turned to the Lord and gazed at His Glory, if we are allowing Him to transform us - transform our hearts and minds - from glory to unfading, eternal glory - by His Spirit Who gives Life - then, we are a written message, a letter of Christ. The message is "manifested" - made apparent - "known and read by all men" ( v2-3)

Father in heaven, You are the God of Glory.  You are wonderful in all Your ways.  You are Righteous and Holy.  We praise and worship You.  How marvelous is this gift of Your Spirit, Who leads us to behold Your Glory. How great is the Lord, Jesus Christ, Who is the King of Glory!  We turn our eyes to You, " beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord".  We are being transformed, as You write on our hearts and minds by Your Spirit, into the image of our Lord.  Amazing grace.  Let the Truth of Your Word pour into my mind and heart that I might grasp it and live it.. and believe it!   I am a letter of Christ.  Me... personally. Wow...    Thank You Lord.  Amen

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

1 Cor. 16  Paul closes his first letter to the church at Corinth with information about himself and others who are traveling.  He gives a final charge to the church:
"Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.  Let all that you do be done in love." (Verses 13-14)   He also tells them to be subject to and acknowledge those who were laboring for the Lord among them and going out on their behalf.  Stephanas and his household are mentioned by name.

2 Cor. 1-2  Paul writes again to the church at Corinth,  looking forward to seeing them soon, comforted by the fact that they responded to his first letter with the action that needed to be done.  Paul has gone through some trials and reaffirms for them that he is standing firm in faith, just as they are.
 Paul also encourages the church to reach out and restore the man who had been punished for his blatant sin, but who had repented.  "... you should forgive and comfort him, lest somehow such a one be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow."  ( v7)  They were to "reaffirm your love for him" (v8). 

Paul speaks of his own passion for  "holiness and godly sincerity... in the grace of God".  His conscience is clear.  His purposes are pure.  All he has written and said, he does in Christ.  But even Paul has felt the need to defend himself from the accusations and questions regarding his authority.

Father in heaven, there is much here that we need to hear.  Let us have ears to hear and hearts to receive. Give holy and godly sincerity to each of us that we might stand firm in our faith and be strong, while doing everything out of love. Lead us in Your ways and may it be Your will that is done. I ask this in Christ Jesus, amen.

Monday, July 20, 2015

1 Cor. 15  Paul changes the subject here and addresses the question of the resurrection.  It is vital to the message of the gospel that the resurrection is true.  In fact, he says, if there is no resurrection then faith in the gospel is vain, empty, and pitiful.  The gospel message, which Paul preached and which they received, "by which also you are saved,"  includes: " of first importance... that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures." ( v3-4).

"But if there is no resurrection of the dead, not even Christ has been raised; and if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is vain, your faith also is vain." ( v13-14)  If there is no resurrection then we have no salvation and no hope.  If there is no resurrection then there is no future, so " Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die." ( v32)

But, Paul adds, the true believer who lives a steadfast, immovable life of faith and who is "always abounding in the work of the Lord"  knows that his "toil is not in vain in the Lord".  ( v58) The work - the deeds, efforts, and labor - done in faith; that which may cause weariness and trouble and pain - is not empty or useless.  Because there is a future,  there is hope, there is a resurrection!   The time is coming when all things will be put in subjection to Jesus; when all the enemies are "under His feet"; and Jesus will deliver up "the kingdom to the God and Father , when He has abolished all rule and all authority and power." 

Jesus is the "first fruits" of the resurrected. We, who are His, will be raised again " at His coming". (v23)  Paul goes on to tell us that when we are resurrected it will be "an imperishable body" with "glory"  and "power".. " a spiritual body" ; " bearing the image of the heavenly".  ( v42-44)  We must be changed - made immortal and imperishable - through our Lord Jesus Christ, so that we can inherit the Kingdom of God, which is our destiny.  So like Paul, we can "die daily" - pouring it all out for our Lord,  for our faith is not empty, our hope is not in vain, because the resurrection is real.  Jesus, Himself is the proof!

Father, may the Truth of Your Word fill our thinking and transform our lives. Fill us with Your Spirit that we might live fully for You, dying daily.. pouring it all out for You.  Accomplish Your purposes in us individually and corporately, for Your glory.  We give You all our praise and long for the day when we will be changed forever.  For it is in Jesus that we live and pray. Amen.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

1 Cor. 12-14  Paul wades deeply into the subject of spiritual gifts.  My pastor is in the midst of preaching through these chapters and has done such a thorough job of it that I want to just not touch it... But, again, I am waiting upon the Lord, listening to the Shepherd's voice, which is always new and refreshing...

The Holy Spirit distributes spiritual gifts.  ( 12:11)  He does this as He wills.  He does it them individually.  And He does it for " the common good" ( v7)
"Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit" (v4)
"And there are varieties of ministries and the same Lord" ( v5)
"And there are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons." ( v6) 

So, there is One Spirit - and verse 7 tells us that the gifts are "the manifestation of the Spirit".  An exhibition or expression of Him.  The spiritual gifts come "through" Him; "according to" Him; and  "by" Him.

These distinct gifts - ( charisma - gratuity, favor, deliverance, endowment, qualification, faculty) are for the purpose of "ministry" or service for and to the Lord, Jesus Christ.

And the distinct effects, the work that is actually done - is the work of God Himself.

So, it is the Father Who is working, exhibiting His Spirit by distributing His graces to His people for the purpose of serving His Son. 

It is not about what gift do I have.. or what gift is better or greater.  It is not about what I can or cannot do or be.  It is about abiding in Christ, being His servant and receiving from His Spirit whatever measure of grace He wills for the glory of God, Who is at work.

Father in Heaven, glorious and righteous and amazing, we give You all thanks and praise.  You are the One who works all things in all persons.  We can rest in You and live for You without worrying about what gift is ours and whether or not we are using our gifts.  We can just serve Jesus and know that Your Spirit will give us favor by manifesting Himself in our service.  You are at work. All things are for You and through You, to Your glory.  Amen.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

1 Cor. 11   Verses 1-16 deal with a cultural custom in Greece.  The Greek men did not cover their heads like the Jewish men did when praying.  The Greek women did cover their heads and in that culture it was a symbol of virtue.  Paul was telling the Corinthians that this particular custom was fine.  They were not offending God as long as they knew that Christ is the Head or Master of the man and that the man had the responsibility as the head of the home and the leader of his wife.  This was not an issue that should cause more divisions.  " Judge for yourselves: is it proper for a woman to pray with her head uncovered?" ( v13).    I know that there are various groups in our society that believe that a woman must have something on her head.  If they feel that God is calling them to do this, then that is what they need to do. We are not to judge them, but they must obey the Lord and judge their selves.   On the other hand, most of the Christians that I am familiar with do not hold to that custom and that is acceptable too.  ( According to the Word, not me).

Verses 17-34 deal with a problem in the Corinthian church.  There were "divisions" or "factions" that were rising among the believers.  The church struggled with their diversity.  They had among their members - slaves, masters, tradesmen, philosophers;  rich, poor, and in-between.  Some were Jews with a religious background and some were former idol worshippers. They were coming together into one body and it wasn't an instant transformation for all of them.  We all have baggage!

Paul's instructions about joining together for communion was meant to teach all of them to respect and care for each other; to strive for unity in their diversity.  They had to be all focused on ONE central foundation - and that is Christ-  His death and the covenant bought with His blood.  To join together in observing the Lord's Supper is to physically, intentionally, be united in the Lord Jesus Christ.  To come into this sacred service with attitudes of superiority and selfishness was and is to miss the whole point!  " But let a man examine himself .... but if we judge ourselves rightly, we should not be judged."  ( v28,31)

Oh Father in heaven, how we need You.  Lead us in Your paths of righteousness.  Keep us focused on Jesus Christ  and Him alone.  Bring our churches together in Christ and fill us with Your Spirit.  Help us to please You by carefully examining ourselves and rightly judging our own motives and actions.
Thank You for being so patient with us.  We praise and worship You and give You all glory and honor.  In Christ we come before You, asking for Your will to be done and for Your kingdom to come. Amen

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

1 Cor. 10  Paul writes that we need to heed the examples from the history of Israel.  The nation of Israel had been miraculously delivered from bondage in Egypt.  They had been " baptized" , passing through the Red Sea and given "spiritual drink" - water that came from a rock, which Paul says is Christ.  But, the people that had been called out of death, into life - failed to please God because of the "evil things" that they craved. There are 4 ways that they acted that Paul tells us to take heed of and NOT to do:

v7 " not be idolaters"
v8  do not "act immorally"
v9 do not " try the Lord"
v10 do not "grumble"

Idolatry is especially offensive to God.  His first commandment is " You shall have no other gods before Me."  And the second is " You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.  You shall not worship them or serve them; "   Yet Israel struggled with this sin over and over again.  "The people sat down to eat and drink, and stood up to play" is a quote from Exodus 32:6 when Aaron made the golden calf and called it god.  The Lord called this "corrupt"- ruined, destroyed, spoiled.  Paul says that when idols are nothing, but that when sacrifices are offered to them it is actually offered to demons.  Again, Paul says learn from this example.... the Corinthians were stumbling over this.  They were surrounded by heathen temples and idols everywhere.  They had come out of idolatry to follow Jesus, but the culture was still very much corrupt.  We live in a country without a prevalence of idols, hand crafted figures that are worshipped and sacrificed to.  But, there is much corruption here none the less.  To eat and drink and play - "out of control" ( Exodus 32:25) like the Israelites... well, we are a nation obsessed with this kind of behavior.  This is not pleasing to the Lord, does not profit us or our neighbors, and does not give glory to God.  Paul later writes in Ephesians that we should " not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit.."   Don't be "out of control" like the Israelites were,  but be controlled by the Spirit of God.. " imitators of God" ( Eph. 5)

Immorality follows close on the heels of idolatry.   In Numbers 25 we are told that the Israelites took up with the people of Moab, especially, it seems, with the women.  An Israelite man was so bold as to bring one of the prostitutes right up to the tabernacle!  This was the last straw . 24000 Israelites died that day, because of it.  Immorality does not please God, does not profit anyone, and will never, ever bring glory to Him!  Immorality leads to death.  We must learn from the examples given to us in the Word!

To "try" the Lord is to test or tempt Him .  Over and over the Israelites grew impatient with the Lord. They spoke against Him. They tried His patience!  They were never satisfied with the gifts He gave them.  They were never thankful for the provisions He lavished on them.... hmm, we may have more to learn from this example then even the other two!  Do we grow impatient with the Lord's response to our prayers ?  Are we satisfied and thankful for what we have been given?  

Israel grumbled.. a lot.  They complained about not having food and then they complained about the food they were given.  They were always looking for something different then what they had and were never content with resting in the Holy One who was right there with them.  They missed God because they wanted things!

Father in Heaven, help us to learn from these examples.  Help us to turn our eyes to You and trust in You and bless You and be thankful to You.  Oh Lord, deliver us from evil and from the evil one.  Lead us in paths of righteousness and gratitude and grace.  Fill us with the Spirit that we might be imitators of You, with self control and love and joy.  May we live lives that please You and bring You glory in all we do.  In the Name of Jesus we come and we ask these things. Amen.

Friday, July 10, 2015

1 Cor. 8-9  Liberty and love are both important concepts that we must grasp in accordance with the Truth.  We have complete liberty in Christ.  We are freed from sin, from the Law, and from the world.  But, we are slaves to Christ, willingly coming under His rule and authority.  Paul is teaching, that it is not always loving to exercise our liberty.  If we do something that causes another believer to stumble, then it is sin. We are our brother's keepers...

When we walk in the love of God, who is our Father, " from whom are all things, and we exist for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him" we can be sure not to hinder any from the gospel.  Walking in His love, we sacrifice our liberties and rights, so that others will be strengthened in faith.  We want to live in the way that Paul describes,  " Run in such a way that you may win." 

We are called to be intentional in our lifestyle, in our purposes, in our plans, and in our daily choices. To act and speak and live intentionally in the Love of Christ.  How else can we bring glory to the Father?  Again, we must be filled with the Holy Spirit, so that Christ's Love is overflowing in our lives. This is the way we win the race.  It is the way I want to live.

Father in Heaven, may Your Name be glorified and praised and honored, for You are Worthy!  You have blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ.  You have made us whole, saving us from our sins, cleansing us and making us beautiful in Him.  Thank You.  Father, have Your way in our lives.  May Your good and perfect will be done in our lives and in our world.  Let Your Kingdom come.  Blessed be Your Name.  Give us strength and endurance, steadfastness and grace, to serve the Lord Jesus with all of our being.  Let the Love of Christ overflow from our lives today.  In His Name we pray. Amen.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

1 Corinthians 7  Marriage - One man and one woman bound together in spirit as one by the Lord. 

Marriage is supposed to be mutual submission and devotion to each other .  It is supposed to be a stable environment to raise children.  It is supposed to glorify God.  Paul gives instructions about marriage and singleness.  He calls for integrity in whatever state we are in.. whether married or single.

In our society today, this kind of marriage is rare.  It is also rare to have men or women who are single to be content and pure in their singleness.  Never the less a key phase that Paul repeats in the midst of this chapter, as at the end of the previous one is , " You were bought with a price.." ( 6:20, 7:23)   We belong to Christ.  We are His slaves.  We are commanded to glorify God in what we do and in who we are. 

Father in heaven,  may we, Your children, Your slaves, be obedient to Your Holy Word.  May we walk in faith, in Jesus our Lord;  May we be filled by Your Holy Spirit, and may we glorify You, because You have bought us with a price.. with the sacrifice, the blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ. amen.

Monday, July 6, 2015

1 Cor. 6

 Verses 1-11 deal with the issue of lawsuits among believers.  Paul's point here is that believers who are brothers in Christ, must be able to settle their differences themselves in the context of the church, not outside of the church with unbelieving judges.  In Paul's thinking it is shameful that any Christian would drag another Christian before a secular court to have them decide between them.
If we as Christians cannot come together in unity, how can an unbeliever solve that?  They can't!  God has called us to be truly wise, in sincerity and truth, and to forgive one another, to serve one another and to keep "the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."  ( Ephesians 4:3)

Verses 12-20 deal specifically with the issue of sexual immorality.  Paul starts this teaching with an interesting statement, " All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable."  Not everything is good for us. We have one Master and we must not allow anything else to be master over us.  It is not because we are under the Law that we act in certain ways, it is because we want what is good - the good, acceptable and perfect will of God.

Our physical bodies are not more important than our eternal spirits which have been united with Christ.  Therefore, " the body is not for immorality but for the Lord; and the Lord is for the body."  Because we have joined ourselves with the Lord and are "one spirit with Him" and our bodies are "members of Christ" we must be diligent to "glorify God in" our bodies.  This especially applies to immorality because " Every other sin a man commits is outside the body, but the immoral man sins against his own body." ( v18)  The body of a believer is a "temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and.. you are not your own..For you have been bought with a price;" 

We need to think on and grasp these truths. Holy Spirit, come and help us to not only understand the Word, but to be transformed by it. Help us to stand firm in Truth, especially in this current wicked age.

Father in Heaven, we praise You for giving us Your Spirit to lead us into all truth. Fill us once again. Even as our physical bodies breath in oxygen to sustain itself, our spirits must breath in the Spirit, the Breath of Life, every moment receiving from You sustaining power in Christ Jesus our Lord.  Forgive us for neglecting Your Word and Prayer that give this Life-sustaining breath by Your Holy Spirit. Take away the desire for the distractions of this world.  Fill Your servants with Your Presence today we pray. In Jesus, our Life, we pray. Amen.

Friday, July 3, 2015

1 cor. 5  Paul deals directly with a situation in the Corinthian church involving a member of the church in an immoral relationship with his step-mother.   The proper action that the church should have taken was to mourn and to remove the man from the church.

 Paul did not hesitate to judge this man and this church.  He spoke "in the Name of our Lord Jesus",  with the "power of our Lord Jesus."  His judgement was decisive and severe, " I have decided to deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of his flesh, that this spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus."  

The church was commanded to judge itself and its own members.  They were to "clean out old leaven"... the leaven is sin, including " the leaven of malice and wickedness" and " immorality".  Paul goes on to include covetousness, swindlers, idolaters, revilers, and drunkards along with those practicing sexual immorality. (v10-11)  The church is to preserve sincerity and truth in its midst by removing "the wicked from among" themselves.  ( v13).  Immorality in the church is to be judged by the church.  Immorality outside the church is to be judged by God.  

What does it mean to " deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of his flesh"?   The commentary suggests this might include physical illness and even death.  In Luke 22:31 Jesus told Peter that "...Satan had demanded permission to sift you like wheat;..."  This was a spiritual and emotional time of suffering for Peter.  We know that God allowed Satan to do exactly that, but that Jesus Himself prayed for Peter that his faith would not fail.  In 1 Timothy 1:20 Paul wrote, " Among these are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have delivered over to Satan so that they may be taught not to blaspheme."  As an apostle and leader of the church of Jesus Christ, Paul did not mince words, nor did he fail to take action.  In the power of Jesus Christ, Satan is used as a tool for correction!

In our present society, immorality of all kinds has become prevalent and even overwhelming.  According to this passage, we as a church must judge that immorality within our boundaries, to preserve the sincerity and truth.  Any " so-called brother" who exhibits an immoral lifestyle of any kind should be removed from fellowship unless he genuinely repents.  We must pray for such a person that they would turn again to Christ in repentance.   As for those outside the church, we leave that up to God.  We can pray and preach the Gospel, living in truth and sincerity, but we do not judge them ourselves. This does not mean we are silent.  It means that we do not punish them ourselves. We need to speak the Truth in love and live a life of purity before them, not hiding the Light of the World behind a bushel...

Father in Heaven,  give us eyes to see and ears to hear You.  Give us hearts that are sincere and completely Yours.  Preserve Your Church, the Body of Christ. May we be faithful to remove the leaven in our congregations and to act in love that the spirit of men and women be saved in the day of our Lord Jesus.  Let Your will be done and Your Kingdom come in great power to the Church today.
Let Your Light shine in us and through us, Lord Jesus, so that others are drawn to You.  Bring many more people out of the darkness and into the Light we pray, in Your Name. Amen.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

1 Cor. 4 Paul makes a comparison between the apostles and the people of Corinth.  He wants to expose their worldly thinking.
They boast of their spiritual gifts.
They claim to be rich and powerful in the Lord.
They claim wisdom.

But Paul says:
"We are fools for Christ's sake, but you are prudent ( intelligent)  in Christ." 
"We are weak, but you are strong."
We are "without honor"... you are "distinguished" 

The apostles  are:  hungry and thirsty, poor, homeless, abused, toiling, reviled, persecuted, slandered, treated as the "scum of the world".    Yet Paul tells them to ".. be imitators of me".

"For the kingdom of God does not consist in words, but in power."  The Christians at Corinth were boasting of their great status - their many gifts; their great wisdom; their success as a church.  But, in actuality, they were immature, foolish, and useless.... they failed to recognize that they were to be "servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God".... for all they had in Christ was given to them by Christ. They were walking in arrogance, not walking in the ways of Christ.

We can use words - call ourselves Christians; exalt ourselves as gifted members of a church; boast of our knowledge of the Bible; or call attention to ourselves with "religious" speech ... but that is not what the kingdom of God is all about.

The Kingdom of God is given to the poor in spirit, Jesus taught.  The broken, mourning, gentle, seekers of righteousness, the merciful, pure in heart, peacemakers, who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness.... ( Matthew 5).  Here is where true power is found.

Father, thank You for the Word of God given to us and for the Spirit who teaches us and leads us in Truth.  As we meditate on these words, lead us into worship and humble obedience.  Fill us again, Holy Spirit, that we might receive the Kingdom of God in power.  In Jesus we come. Amen.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

1 Cor. 2  Paul testifies that when he came to Corinth, he determined that he would "know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified." Paul had just left Athens, where he had spent many hours reasoning and debating with philosophers, and he knew the lostness of those who worshiped so many idols and false gods.  His message became even more focused and simplified... Christ. Crucified.  

Paul determined that he would not use persuasive arguments.  He would instead preach the message of Jesus Christ crucified and the Spirit would come with power.... " that your faith should not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God." ( v5)

The Spirit is how God revealed the mystery of the ages. The Spirit, who alone knows the mind of God, reveals the thoughts of God and gives us the mind of Christ.

Paul says that "natural" man cannot accept the things of the Spirit. He cannot understand them.  He can't think spiritual thoughts until he becomes a "spiritual" man.  This only happens when we receive "not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things freely given to us from God." (v12)

Paul goes on to say in chapter 3 that the foundation of the church is exactly this - Jesus Christ - crucified.  Anything built on this foundation is tested by God - tested by fire.  If it remains then it is rewarded, if it is burned up, there is loss.  The Church, built on the foundation of Jesus Christ becomes the temple of God because the Spirit of God dwells in it.  " If any man destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him, for the temple of God is holy and that is what you are." ( 3:17)

How do we destroy the temple of God? Verse 18 - by thinking we are wise.  By deceiving ourselves in the wisdom of the world.  This kind of thinking is "useless", the Lord says.   Instead we must focus on the Truth - " .. all things belong to you" (v21 and 22)  and " you belong to Christ; and Christ belongs to God." ( v23)

Spirit of God, come again with power and help us to comprehend all that God has given us.  We are Yours, Lord.  We want to know Christ Jesus in all of His fulness. We receive with joy all that You have given to us. Amen. May it be so!