Wednesday, January 30, 2013

1/30/13    "Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand."
What exactly are "high praises" ?  To extol His excellence.  To ascribe to Him the Honor and Glory He deserves.   Our mouths are to be instruments of praise to our God.  Our hands are holding a two-edged sword.  In Hebrews that 2-edged sword is the Word of God.   It is an instrument of judgement.  The Word rightly divides the Truth from the lies.  Both of these, the praise and the Word, are powerful instruments - they execute vengeance on nations,  they bring punishment to peoples, they bind kings with chains and nobles with fetters.  This honor has been given to all of God's holy ones.   (Psalm 149: 6-9 ) We see today some evil nations that need the discipline of God's Word, some kings and nobles that need to be bound. They seek to scorn God's Word and bring judgement on the nation.  May God raise up His holy ones to bring His high praises and the Word of God as He desires.
" Ascribe to the Lord, O sons of the mighty,
Ascribe to the Lord glory and strength,
Ascribe to the Lord, the glory due to His Name
Worship the Lord in holy array
The voice of the Lord is upon the waters
The God of glory thunders,
The Lord is over many waters
The voice of the Lord is powerful
The voice of the Lord is majestic.
The voice of the Lord breaks cedars
Yes, the Lord breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon
And He makes Lebanon skip like a calf.
And Sirion like a young wild ox
The voice of the Lord hews out flames of fire
The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness;
The Lord shakes the wilderness of Kadesh.
The voice of the Lord makes the deer to calve
And strips the forests bare
And in His temple everything says Glory!
The Lord sat as King at the flood
Yes, the Lord sits as King forever.
The Lord will give strength to His people;
The Lord will bless His people with peace"
Psalm 29
Praise the Lord!

Ezekiel 25  The Lord speaks judgements on 4 nations, Ammon, Moab,  Edom and Philistia.   In each of the 4 statements, He  first states the reason "Because" of what they said or did, and  "Therefore" to list the consequences.  Because Ammon rejoiced over Israel's falling,  the nation was destroyed.  Because Moab jeered at Israel, it would also be forgotten.  Because Edom acted against Judah, it would be laid waste.  Because Philistia acted in revenge against Israel, God Himself would stretch out His Hand against them.   In each case the world would know that " I am the Lord"

The voice of the Shepherd says to me:
 Just a few chapters ago the warning was about what we look at.  Here the warning focuses on what we say about God's chosen ones, and how we act towards them.   Just reading in the little book " The Imitation of Christ" about not judging or saying things against others, because our "private affections" might cloud our judgement.  We are not always right!   We need to judge and examine ourselves, keeping God as the object of our desires.  " Be careful little mouth what you say!"
Father, may my mouth be full of high praises of You and not low biased judgements of others.  May I rightly speak Your Word. Bring my thoughts and actions captive to obey my King.  Amen.

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