Monday, January 21, 2013

1/21/13   Ezekiel 17   The Lord gives Ezekiel a riddle, a story to tell.  The eagle comes and takes a twig from the top of a cedar tree.  He plants it and some of the seed of the land, in good soil where it grows well.  It has abundant water and all it needs, but another eagle comes and the plant turns to that eagle.  Because of this the plant is pulled up and withers.

There seems to be two meanings to this parable.  First, it speaks of the captivity of Israel's princes, kings, and the mighty of the land taken to Babylon.  At first they make a covenant with the king of Babylon, but then turn to Pharaoh in Egypt.  This breaking of the covenant brings punishment.  They will die in Babylon and will not escape.

The second meaning is more important.  The covenant is with the Lord God.  When they break their covenant with God by acting unfaithfully the result is judgement.   It is God who took the sprig from a lofty cedar and planted it.  It is He who makes it grow and bear fruit.  It is God who speaks and performs His Word.  And  " all the trees of the field will know that I am the LORD; I bring down the high tree, exalt the low tree, dry up the green tree, and make the dry tree flourish"

He is the God of the impossible!  He does what He says and it is not what we expect!  Jesus makes many references that reflect these parables from Ezekiel.  The mustard seed which grows into a tree where the birds nest.  The fig tree which was green with leaves but He cursed because it bore no fruit.  The tree that was not bearing fruit and the vinedresser cares for and gives another year.
God is the One who makes a tree grow.  He makes us grow too.  If we grow lofty, he brings us down.  If we are lowly, He lifts us up.  If we are dry, He makes us flourish.  He is Sovereign!  I thank You Father that when You speak You act.  You do what You say.   God of all grace , You who has called me "to His eternal glory in Christ" strengthen, perfect, confirm, and establish me.  ( I Peter 5:10) To You be all "dominion forever and ever. Amen"

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