Monday, January 28, 2013

1/28/13  I have decided to add a time of praise before the regular Bible study of the day.  A focus point to come into His Presence, to open my heart and ears to hear from the Shepherd.  If anyone ever reads these entries,  I hope you will be blessed.

 Ps. 149:2  "Let Israel be glad in his Maker"   In this Psalm of praise to the Lord this exhortation is given.  Be glad in your Maker.  Maker is the Hebrew word "asah" meaning to do or to make- to accomplish, bring forth, appoint, bear, bestow, have the charge of, deal with, dress, keep, etc.   The Hebrew word for glad is "samach" - to brighten up, be blithe or gleesome, cheer up, be merry or make merry,  rejoice.   Stop and think about this.  Cheer up, celebrate, party... in the One Who knit you together in your mother's womb, Who knew you before the foundation of the world, Who chose you to be His! My Maker is the One Who fashioned the heavens and the earth, Who created the oceans and the mountains in all their wonder.  My Maker is the One Who sent His Son to rescue me when I could not rescue myself.  Rejoice with glee in Him!

Ezekiel 23.  Oholah and Oholibah.  Samaria and Jerusalem.  Sisters that belonged to God.  Sisters who both became harlots.  Lewd, lustful, defiled, and disgusting.  That is His description for the ones He had loved, chosen, cleansed, and blessed.  How did they come to this awful end?  They looked at the "desirable young men"  in their magnificent uniforms, on their beautiful horses, impressive in their power and charm.  They forgot the Lord and cast Him behind their back ( v35).  They defiled His sanctuary and profaned His sabbath.  They killed their own children as sacrifices before idols.
It is these very same men "the desirable" ones, who pass judgement on Oholah and Oholibah.  They disfigure them " They will remove your nose and your ears" ( v. 25)  They strip away their clothes and jewels. (v26) They drink a cup of "horror and desolation".  They will be laughed at and derided, they will be filled with drunkenness and sorrow.  The life of the unfaithful is sad and dark and horrid.

It starts with a look.  I John 2:16 says " For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, in not from the Father, but is from the world."  I remember hearing a message about this years ago.   How the sin of Adam and Eve started this way - " When the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was a delight to the eyes..." Gen. 3:6 .  And how Jesus conquered these in His time of temptation in the wilderness, looking to the Father instead of the things the devil was showing Him.  

Oh how important that we teach our children and learn ourselves the Truth of the that little song "Be careful little eyes what you see!"   Keep your eyes on Jesus.  Rejoice in your Maker!
Thank You Shepherd, for these Wonderful Words of Life, spoken to my heart today.

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