Tuesday, January 29, 2013

1/29/13  Praise the Lord with dancing and singing and playing of timbrel and lyre, the psalmist tells us.  Why?  " For the Lord takes pleasure in His people;"  Ps. 149:4  Does God take pleasure in our worship music?  How many of us would frown at a tambourine?  We are getting used to having guitars, but there was a time when that was offensive.  I know some "modern" churches have dancers.... but not sure if we will ever "progress" that far at my church.  But there in Israel, in the most Holy place, where God placed His Name... they danced and sang and played instruments freely and with gladness and rejoicing! Whatever we do, we are told, do it with all our heart unto God.  May I always sing His praises with joy, knowing that He takes pleasure in .... me!

Ezekiel 24  In stark contrast to songs of joy, the message given to Ezekiel here is full of sorrow.  Write down the date, he is told, because this is it.  Jerusalem is under attack, God's wrath is being poured out.  They are being judged according to their ways and deeds.  They refused His cleansing, so they remain unclean.  Bloody. Rusted. Burned. Permanently.

Ezekiel is personally affected by the next Word he receives from God.  "Son of man, behold, I am about to take from you the desire of your eyes with a blow; but you shall not mourn, and you shall not weep, and your tears shall not come."  He speaks to the people in the morning and then that night his wife dies. In obedience, Ezekiel does what God has told him.  He dresses normally, shows no sign of mourning. Does not cry.   It is such an unusual reaction that the people know that this is a sign for them.  The word of Jerusalem's fall is on its way, and the people with Ezekiel are told that they will act even as Ezekiel.  They will not mourn.  They will not cry. God is taking away " their stronghold, the joy of their pride, the desire of their eyes, and their heart's delight, their sons and daughters"
Until the messenger arrives Ezekiel's mouth is shut.  When it comes about they will know that God is the Lord.

What is the Shepherd speaking to me today?   Like Ezekiel I want to be obedient to what God commands, but sometimes that is SO hard!  How does one not mourn the death of a spouse?  How do you not mourn the death of a nation?  How do we not mourn the sin and rebellion of those who refuse the cleansing God desires to freely give?  They are headed to destruction still loyal to their strongholds, still proud of their false hopes, still delighted in the things their eyes desire.  I have a heavy heart thinking of friends and family that are stubbornly rebelling against God.  They cannot escape the judgement of a Holy God Who will not ignore their sinful ways and deeds.   I have not been commanded yet to stop praying for them, so it is not too late yet.  But I feel the nudging of the Shepherd saying, work, for the night is coming.  God of Grace, send workers into the harvest field.  Jesus, You came to seek and to save the lost.  Will You seek and save these ones I bring to You now?

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