Tuesday, January 15, 2013

1/15/13 Ezekiel 14
Verses 1-11  Some elders of Israel came to see Ezekiel and wanted a word from the Lord.  But God immediately spoke to Ezekiel about these men.  They had set up idols in their hearts. This is a stumbling block, an obstacle, enticement ( idol) offence, ruin - of iniquity.   It was "right before their faces"  But they dared to come ask God for His Word.   The Lord warns Ezekiel that only a false prophet would give a word to these idolators. And, that false prophet would be judged and punished just as the inquirer would be. 
God's desire was to lay hold of the hearts of His people. They had to repent and turn away from their idols and the abominations ( that which was abhorent, disgusting, and abominable to God).  Everything that separated them from Him. He wanted them to return to their Home - in their hearts - to no longer stray from Him, to stop defiling themselves with their sins.  To be His people and to once again be their God.

They may not have had idols of wood, metal, or stone any longer.  But their hearts were not pure and they were still separated from God.  What sin(s) do we set up in our lives that are stumbling blocks to our relationship with God.  What keeps us separated from Him?   Do I have idols in my heart?   If God does not have my whole heart then I must repent and turn away from that which separates me from Him.  Oh God, forgive and cleanse me from all unrighteousness.  Let nothing separate me from You. Cast out every idol.
 " Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole,
 I want Thee forever to live in my soul;
 Break down every idol, cast out every foe; 
Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow."

Verses 12-23 Ezekiel receives another Word from the Lord.  The judgement coming against Judah is going to make it desolate.  There is no intercession that will stay the Hand of God's wrath because the sin is so awful.   Even if Noah, Job, and Daniel came to pray over it they would not be able to stop God's judgement.  They could not even save their own children.  They could only save themselves. 
The judgement is severe.  God says so Himself. But it is perfectly just.  The sins, the evil conduct and actions of those in Jerusalem deserve the judgement that God is giving them.  Sword, famine, wild beasts, and plague. 
America will not escape the judgements of God either.  We Christians are still able to make intercession for our country, but there may come a day when the sins of America are so severe and we will only be able to be saved ourselves.  Work while the day is still here. Night is coming. 
God of Grace, You have called us into Your eternal Glory in Christ.  Perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish us so that we may be the people of God who speak the Word of God to a world that is falling into darkness more and more each passing day.

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