Tuesday, January 8, 2013

1/8/13  Ezekiel 4 The siege of Jerusalem.    Ezekiel is given instructions to build a model of Jerusalem under siege.  Then he is bound by God to lie on his left side for 390 days! A day for each year of Israel's iniquity.  After that he is to lay on his right side for 40 more days, indicating Judah's 40 years of iniquity.  He is given instructions for food and water, a bread made of wheat, barley, millet, spelt, beans, and lentils. About 10 ounces of bread, of the lowest, coarsest type of bread and about 8 oz of water.. a day.   Barely enough to keep one alive, illustrating what will happen in Jerusalem.   Ezekiel willingly agrees to this taxing assignment, except for one thing, using human dung to cook his bread.  He doesn't want to let this uncleanness into his life, yet he doesn't ask God for anything or doesn't call himself too good for it.  But the Lord is gracious and allows cow dung to be used instead.

I can't imagine life for Ezekiel for this year + of laying on his side.  Through the days and nights, through rain and cold, through the heat of summer.   How many animals got into his store of meal?  How did he deal with personal hygiene? 

Ch. 5   Next Ezekiel is told to use a sword to cut the hair of his head and beard.  A third is burned, a third is struck with a sword and a third is thrown to the wind.   God is using this to illustrate what will happen in Jerusalem.  Because of their rebellion and sin, their wickedness and rejection of His law and authority, judgement is coming.  A third of the people will die by the plague or famine,  a third will be killed by the sword, and a third will be scattered.   The anger and wrath of God is like no other.   Fathers will eat their children and children their fathers.  Death will be everywhere.  The nation will be a reproach, destruction, intense famine, wild beasts, plague, and bloodshed.  And God states that He will have no pity and spare no one.  He has spoken.

Worse than the holocaust. Worse than the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Worse than the disasters to hit Haiti or any other.   This judgement was so severe and deadly.  How is it that Israel has forgotten?  How do they not fall before God even now and beg for forgiveness? 

How does America not fear God's wrath?  We are guilty of the same sins as Israel.  We have rebelled against His ordinances and walked in wickedness.  We have rejected His rule and reign.  We have denounced His authority and His Son.  Oh forgive us! Bring repentance to our land.  And to Israel.
Reign Lord God!  You are King and rule forever.  Have pity, spare us, change our hearts. Thank You for your mercy and grace.  For salvation through Jesus Christ.  Be exalted our God! Amen.

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