Tuesday, February 5, 2013

2/5/13   Psalm 148   Praise the Lord!  From the heavens, from the earth, from the mountain tops, from the universe, from the earth.   Every created thing, everything that He has created and established - Praise the Lord!  Why?  " For His Name alone is exalted; His glory is above earth and heaven." (vs 13)    He alone is worthy of praise- of "halal" - to be clear, to shine, to boast, to celebrate, to rave, to glory, to renown.   His glory - grandeur, beauty, comeliness, excellency, glorious, honor, and majesty - is above the earth and heaven.   You are altogether Wonderful!  Open our eyes to see Your glory and our mouths to praise You!   Praise the Lord!

Ezekiel 26-28  Tyre- a coastal city of Phoenicia , along with Sidon, was a center of trade for Israel and the surrounding nations. Here in Ezekiel this land is judged for its great pride.  Pride in its beauty, wealth, importance, success, and glory.   Chapter 27 lists the abundance of goods that came through this city from its trading with various countries, from Persia, Arabia, Tarshish, etc.  "And you were filled and were very glorious In the heart of the seas" 27:25   But all would be lost  when it  falls "into the heart of the seas".   Why?  "Because your heart is lifted up and your have said 'I am a god'" 28:2
God brings judgement upon Tyre.  The king of Tyre proclaimed himself equal to God,  he forgot that his wisdom in trading and acquiring goods was a gift from God.  He forgot that he was just a man, and in his pride and self exaltation, he forgot that death was certain, that sin would be judged, that he couldn't just do whatever he wanted.  In his arrogance he offended God and brought destruction on himself and his land.   How much is our country like this one?  How arrogant our government has become!  When we have a president who opposes the Word of God, is that not arrogance and pride?
How patient will God be?  It is not a matter of if, but when will judgement be poured out on America?

Tucked into the end of this chapter, vs 25-26,  we are once again reminded of God's provision for His people. Even though Israel has been scattered, the time will come when she will be brought back home.  She will be secure and provided for. Those who scorned her will be judged.  All  "will know that I am the Lord their God"  God will make Himself known to every nation.  Whether in judgement or in restoration, He intends for all to know Who He is.

What does the Shepherd speak to me today through this passage?   All I am and all I have comes from the Lord.  He alone is worthy of praise and He alone is in control.  He is God.   Where is my heart?  Have I made my heart His altar or my throne? So thankful for the Grace of God who reveals Himself as King and Lord, as well as Redeemer and Saviour.  Be exalted oh God!  You alone are worthy of all praise.

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