Tuesday, January 1, 2013


A brand new year!  Just freshly returned from 11 days with my beautiful daughter and her family.  Filled with love and blessed with the sweetness of 2 precious grandsons!  Virginia is just too far away from Florida! Ahhh!

Back to the Word!  Eph. 5  " Be imitators of God as beloved children"  How on earth do we imitate God?  KJV says to be "followers"  - Greek word is mimetes , from mimeomai - mimic.   As a son mimics his daddy,  we are to mimic our Father in Heaven.  As He is holy, we are to be holy.  As He is Good, we are to be good. As He loves, we are to love.  As He is Light, we are to be light. 
v 10 " trying to learn what is pleasing to the Lord" v15 " Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men, but as wise"

This walk is "in love", filled  with the Spirit,  being subject to one another "in the fear of Christ" It is in relationship with Jesus that is the example for the relationship of husband and wife.  Christ is the example of true love - giving of Himself for the purpose of sanctifying the bride, his church.  This is what we are to mimic in our personal relationships with our spouses.  Only possible with the Holy Spirit!

New Year's resolutions?  No!  Better than that, this is a Life time resolution.  To live as a child of the Father.  A mimic of Jesus Christ, through the power of His Spirit working in me.  May it be so!

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