Wednesday, January 23, 2013

1/23/13   Ezekiel 19-20    The Lord gives Ezekiel 2 more metaphors for Israel.  In the first He compares Israel to a lion which is captured.  In the second He again uses a vine which grows strong and beautiful and fruitful, but then is destroyed by a strong storm and ends up withered and thrown in the fire to be consumed.   So much potential, but it is all thrown away because of their unfaithfulness.

This is a life without God. Full of potential, but ensnared by the nets of sin and thrown into the fire of God's wrath.  And God laments for us.

Chapter 20 is a history lesson for the elders of Israel who come and sit before Ezekiel, wanting him to inquire of God for them.   But God refuses to allow them to inquire of Him.  Instead He reminds them of the sacred covenant that He made with their ancestors, bringing them out of captivity in Egypt and making Himself known to them, declaring Himself their God.  But they rebelled, refused to listen, and clung to their idols.  The current Israelites, sitting before Ezekiel, were as guilty as their fathers.  They were still rebelling, failing to walk in His ways, profaning the Sabbath, and worshiping idols.  He would not listen to them.

But God also gives a promise that one day He would restore Israel.  He will bring them back to the land.  He will "prove Myself holy among you in the sight of the nations" v41.  God will act for His Name's sake. God declares Himself King, a King whose Hand is mighty and whose arm is outstretched. His wrath has been poured out.  The wicked will be purged. Those who will enter the Land will be those who repent, who "loathe yourselves in you own sight for all the evil things you have done" v43.

As Jesus said " Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" Matt. 5:3  Brokenness and humility are needed in repentance.  Turning from rebellion against God, to a heart that is broken before Him because of the sins we have committed. This is what God desires of His people.  This is what He requires of us.  Let us not be like the Israelite elders, who still don't get it!
The Gospel is Good News!   Jesus has already taken upon Himself the punishment for our sins.  We have a new life in Him.   Thank You Jesus.  Repentance is required, to turn from rebellion against God to faith in Jesus Christ.   This is walking His way. This is what brings us into His Kingdom. This is what opens the way for us to  know that God is the Lord.  Amen.

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