Wednesday, January 2, 2013

1/2/13  Ephesians 6
Paul continues his examples of what it means to be "imitators of God".   
 To the wife it means to submit yourself to your husband's leadership and to respect him.
 To the husband it means to love and sacrifice for your wife.  To nourish and cherish her.
 To the child it means to obey and honor your parents.
 To the parent it means to bring up your children "in the discipline and instruction of the Lord"
 To the slave/employee it means to obey the master with sincerity of heart. 
 To the master/employer it means treating those under you with justice and goodness.
 "Doing the will of God from the  heart" as a slave of Christ includes rendering service with good will and doing good things.

Paul's final admonition is for us to be "strong in the Lord, and in the strength of His might" Why?  Because we are in a battle against the enemy, the devil. There are rulers, powers, and spiritual forces of darkness and wickedness.  We struggle with them and must be prepared to resist them in order to stand firm.  God has provided the weapons of defense and offense for this battle.
The Word of God
Our orders are to stand firm, to resist, oppose, abide, hold up  with truth, righteousness, and the gospel of peace.  To extinguish the "flaming missiles of the evil one" with faith.  To use the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, the Word and Prayer, to be on the alert with all perseverance.  Persistently praying for all the saints.

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