Friday, January 25, 2013

1/25/13 Ezekiel 22 
Ezekiel is told to judge Israel, to "cause her to know her abominations"   These are the things that have offended God:
Shedding blood
Making idols
Ill repute
Full of turmoil
Dishonor to parents
Oppression of the aliens
Wronging widows and the fatherless
Despising the holy things of God
Profaning the sabbath
Slandering for the purpose of shedding blood
Committing acts of lewdness
Uncovering their father's nakedness
Humbling women
Committing abominations with the neighbor's wife
Defiling their own daughter-in-law or sister
Taking bribes to shed blood
Injuring a neighbor for gain
Forgetting God

They have become dross.  The impurities found when metal is melted.  The part scooped off and thrown away.  Worthless. Garbage.  Useless.

God goes on to name specific sins of those who have rebelled.
The prophets - Men chosen to speak the Words of God have instead conspired to speak lies.  They devour lives like a lion. They steal the things that are precious and kill those who oppose them.  They whitewash the lies of the politicians.
The priests - Men chosen to serve God, to teach the Word of God, to offer the sacrifices to God.  They are guilty of profaning the things of God, of not even teaching the difference between what is holy and not holy.
The princes - Those appointed to leadership, government, justice.   They are like wolves tearing others apart for dishonest gain.  They use the prophets for there own agendas.
The people - God's people, meant to be light in the darkness, to shine with the Glory of God.  They practice oppression, commit robbery, and wrong those who are poor and needy. They oppress the immigrant without justice.
God found no one to "stand in the gap".  No one who was righteous.  No one to pray, no one to persuade Him not to pour out His wrath.  So His wrath came and consumed them with fire.  Fire that they deserved because of their wickedness.
Are we not guilty of these things in our land?  We must "stand in the gap" for America.  To stand up for righteousness.  To speak the Truth. To teach the difference between right and wrong from God's point of view. To be Light in this darkness.  Spirit of God, strengthen us by Your Almighty power to do the Will of the Father.  Amen

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