Friday, January 4, 2013

Ezekiel 1  A vision of God.     Ezekiel sees a vision, hears the Word of the Lord, and felt the Hand of the Lord upon him.   Matthew Henry's Commentary notes that it is a great mercy for the Word of the Lord to come to us.  Although the prophet and the others were captive in Babylon, they were not kept from God.   "Ezekiel was employed in turning the hearts of the people to the Lord their God, and therefore he must himself see the visions of God"  MHC  To bring the knowledge and love of God to others we must first be well acquainted with Him ourselves and "much affected with what we know of Him"  Ezekiel was prepared for the Word by the wind- the Spirit.  Then he heard the voice of God -  the Word in fulness, light and power.  And he felt the power of God, "opening his eyes to see the visions, opening his ears to hear the voice, and opening his heart to receive both"

What do this Word say to me?   Spirit come with power and mercy to prepare me, to open my eyes and ears to receive the Word of God.   "Open my eyes Lord, I want to see Jesus, to reach out and touch Him, to say that I love Him" 

The vision that is given to Ezekiel is mind-boggling, amazing, and glorious.  Angels appear and then the Throne of God!  Ezekiel falls on his face.  God, the Consuming Fire, has come to him.

How innocently and naively we pray "Come Lord Jesus" .  Do we really expect this?  What great mercy our God shows to us.

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