Wednesday, December 19, 2012

12/19/12  Ephesians 4
We are to be built up to the full "measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ" - Like a container filled to the top - or a puzzle with every piece in place.  How?  By the gifts that God gives out of His grace to the church.
It begins with each of us being strengthened by the Holy Spirit, rooted and grounded in the love of Christ, and filled with the fullness of God.  Then we are called to "walk in a manner worthy" of this new Life.  And we can only walk by the same Spirit, by Grace, through Christ Jesus.
Paul shows us what a worthy walk looks like, it is:
forbearing with one another in love
diligently preserving the unity of the Spirit in peace
speaking truth in love
laying aside the old self
being renewed in the spirit of your mind
living as the new creation you are in righteousness and holiness of the truth
(Again he repeats speaking in truth) must have been a particular issue in Ephesus?
Not sinning in our anger
not giving the devil a foothold
not stealing
working to provide for ourselves and to share
letting no unwholesome talk come from our lips
speaking words to edify and give grace
not grieving the Holy Spirit
putting away all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, slander and malice
Being kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving.
In other words, walking in love as Christ did.
This is the goal. We cannot do it on our own.  In fact, Christ gives the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers as gifts to the church for the building up of the saints, the body of Christ... us!
As each of is individually fitted and held together, working properly, growing up into "all aspects into Him," Then the church is built up and grows up, in love. 

Help me Holy Spirit to walk the worthy walk. Strengthen me with your mighty power in my inner self.
Help me Lord Jesus, dwell in my heart and fill be with your incomprehensible love.
Help me Father, fill me with Your fullness, do exceeding abundantly in me all that You desire . May You receive all Glory due Your Name.

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