Friday, November 9, 2012

Nov. 9, 2012  Jeremiah 25

Judgement.  Not  something we want for ourselves, but glory in when it is handed down to those who have harmed another person, especially ourselves.   Warning after warning has been given to the people of Israel and Judah.  3 times in this prophecy the Lord indicts the people because they " have not listened"  When we listen and heed the Words of God we will be saved.  But when we refuse to listen, when we continue to do the things that He has told us not to do,  He will bring His judgement against us with great anger.   The "cup of the wine of wrath" comes from God's Hands.  It is poured out on every nation, every "inhabitant of the earth".  None is free from punishment,  none can refuse this cup of wrath.  "You shall surely drink!"  He declares. 
We do not listen to Him, but continue to provoke God to anger when we do not "turn now everyone from his evil way and from the evil of your deeds" Verses 6-7 repeat the phrase " work of your hands"  It is repeated again in v. 14 for the nations, besides Judah and Israel. 
What is this "work of your hands" that provokes God to such wrath?   The worship of idols and especially the sacrifice of children to those idols.  This is sited over and over again - II Kings 17, Isaiah 55, Jeremiah 4, 7, 32 .  32:33 " And they have turned their back to Me, and not their face; though I taught them, teaching again and again, they would not listen and receive instruction."  They even put idols in the temple of God.  Defiling His Holy place.

Do we do that?  Do we fail to listen to God's warnings and teachings?   Do we allow idols in His Holy place - into our hearts and souls?  Do we sacrifice innocent children?  Our nation is not free from God's judgement or punishment.  If we provoke His Wrath we will be judged and the cup of His wrath will be poured out and we will drink.

Turn back O nation!  Turn and listen to the Word of God.  Stop doing evil.  We are recompensed for our deeds, for the work of our hands.   What am I doing with my hands today?

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