Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Nov. 20, 2012  Jeremiah 32-33
Jeremiah is imprisoned  speaking against Judah saying that the king of Babylon will win the battle.  It is truth, but Zedekiah does not want to hear it.  The Chaldean's have built seige mounds, many have been killed, captured, or sickened,  but stubborn Zedekiah refuses to admit defeat.  Meanwhile, Jeremiah, in prison, buys a field from his cousin.  Who buys property when they know the city is about to be destroyed, the nation ruined, and you are in prison for treason?   Jeremiah does!   His prayer shows why -  " Ah Lord God! Behold Thou hast made the heavens and the  earth by Thy great power and by Thine outstretched arm! Nothing is too difficult for Thee!" 
Jeremiah recounts the attributes of God - showing lovingkindness to thousands, repaying iniquity, great in counsel, mighty in deed, eyes open to all the ways of men, giving to each one according to his ways and the fruit of his deeds.

Jeremiah reminds Zedekiah of the history of Israel, how God brought them out of Egypt and gave them a covenant that would make them His people .  But the people, the kings, the leaders, the priests, the prophets, the people - all of them turned their back on God, and not their face, refusing to listen, refusing to learn, doing the things that God considered an abomination, sacrificing their children to Molech, worshiping Baal, defiling even the House that was called by God's Name.

Yet even now, God is making a promise to Israel and Judah - a promise to restore the people to the land, to be their God, to hear them when they call on His Name, to heal , to cleanse,  to bring joy and praise and glory, that once again there will be peace and goodness.  A day is coming when the righteous Branch of David will come with justice and righteousness.  An everlasting King and an everlasting Priest.  God who has established day and night, will establish the Kingship of David's descendant.   Jesus Christ is the answer to that promise.  He is King forever!  In Him is LIFE!
He is the source of all life.  He is my life!  Praise His Name, Praise Him!

Jer. 33:13  " .. the flocks shall again pass under the hands of the one who numbers them, says the Lord."  A Shepherd numbers his flock.  He knows each one and He knows when one is missing ( Luke 15:4)  He knows His sheep and calls to them and they follow Him.  Our King will bring us to dwell with Him, in safety and in peace.  He will bring us to a place of rest.  We will sing with the restored nation of Israel " Give thanks to the Lord of hosts, For the Lord is good, For His lovingkindness is everlasting." v.11

The future was bleak during Jeremiah's day.  Jerusalem was about to be destroyed. Life as they knew it would be over and many would never make the journey back from captivity.  But God was not through with His people.  He promised to bring them home.  He promised to bring restoration and salvation. And He did exactly what He said He would.  His promises are true.  We still look forward to the day when we will be HOME, with our Savior forever.  Our Shepherd King will number each one as we pass into eternal rest. Thank You Jesus!  What a day that will be!

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