Monday, November 26, 2012

11/26/12  Jeremiah 37-39

Jeremiah is arrested and put into a prison/ dungeon at the house of Jonathan the scribe.  Next he is kept in the court of the guardhouse, and thirdly he is thrown into a cistern of mud.  Several times he is interviewed by the king, secretly, and given opportunity to warn the king about what was coming.  Zedekiah had ample opportunity to obey the Word of the Lord, but his pride and patriotism kept him from yielding to the king of Babylon.  Unfortunately, the results were even worse than he probably imagined.  He watched while his sons were killed in front of him and then his eyes were blinded and he was bound by bronze fetters and taken to Babylon. His beloved city was burned just as Jeremiah had warned.
After the siege, after the destruction, all that is left of Judah are the poorest of the people and Jeremiah.  The poor are given vineyards and fields.  Jeremiah is freed from imprisonment and taken home by Gedaliah.  Ebed-Melech, the Ethiopian who rescued Jeremiah from the muddy cistern is also delivered from those who hated him, because he trusted in the LORD.

God gave Israel and Judah every opportunity to repent and return to Him.  He is compassionate and patient. He greatly desired them to live.  He would have gladly saved the city, if they would just trust Him and obey His Word.  But they did not.

This same God, longs to have compassion on us!  He will pardon our iniquities, He will heal our sinful hearts, and He will set us free from sin and death and destruction.  Oh that we will open our hearts to Him.  May we truly listen and obey!  Jesus Christ is our King.  He came to save us.  He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  Come out from the city, from the world of pride and self.  Place your trust in the only One Who knows what tomorrow holds.  Oh Lord God, I place my hope in You!

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