Thursday, November 22, 2012

11/22/12  Jeremiah 35
In this message from God, Jeremiah is told to call in a family, the Rechabites, for a special meeting.  These are descendants of a man named Jonadab, the son of Rechab.   Jonadab is known for aiding Jehu against King Ahab.  He then led his family to be different than the rest of the Israelites.  They never drank wine, they never built  houses (living in tents) and they never were farmers - no fields and no vineyards. They were committed to obeying the instructions of Jonadab and refused to drink wine even when Jeremiah is instructed by God to give it to them.  The Rechabites had reluctantly come to live in Jerusalem only because of the army of the Chaldeans.

God uses this family as a contrast to the house of Judah.  The Rechabites obeyed their father Jonadab, a man who was no longer living and had no more influence in their lives.  But Judah refused to listen to the Words of the Lord God, the Almighty Living One, though He spoke again and again!

The Rechabites are rewarded for their faithfulness and obedience to the commands of their earthly father.  Judah is punished for their unfaithfulness and refusal to obey the commands of their Heavenly Father.

When we listen to God's Word and obey Him, the benefits are overwhelming - Ps. 102 reminds us to Bless the Lord  and to not forget any of His benefits.  He pardons all my iniquities, He heals all my diseases,  He redeems my life from the pit, He crowns me with lovingkindness and compassion, He satisfies my years with good things..... etc.   On this Thanksgiving Day I offer my thanks to my Heavenly Father and remember all of His benefits, His blessings.  You have redeemed me by the blood of the Lamb, You have given to be New Life in Christ, You have made me whole, righteous, and blameless in Jesus my Lord.  To surround me with Your Lovingkindness and compassion is to surround me with Yourself.  Thank You my Lord.   May I walk this day in Your Spirit and Honor You in all that I do and say. Amen.

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