Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Nov. 21, 2012 Jeremiah 34

Zedekiah tries to get the people to do something right - to release every Jewish slave from those who have "bought" them, as commanded by God - on the 7th year they should be set free.  And the people did it, but then they turned around and took them back into slavery.  God reminds them about how He had  brought them as a nation out of slavery in Egypt.  But because of their actions He is now sending them to the sword, pestilence and to famine. He is releasing His claim on them.   They wanted freedom from His Law - the Covenant He had with them.  Well, He is granting it - but they are getting release from His Blessings on them also.

 Isn't this just like us?  We want "freedom" to do our own thing, freedom from religion.. as the atheists say... but  along with that "freedom" comes a release from God's blessings.  From peace and joy and love, and hope, and healing and salvation.

 When God is our God, He gives us all His blessings, but He wants all of our will, to obey His commands, to turn to Him. To trust Him.  He knows what is best.  Am I trying to do things my own way, am I holding onto things or people or attitudes that I need to release?   Forgive me Lord and let Your Will be done in every part of my life. You are my God and I will obey You.
Thank You for being a God of compassion and loving kindness, Who pardons our iniquities.
Keep me in Your Hands I pray.

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