Friday, November 30, 2012

Jeremiah 47-48
Jeremiah is given the word of the Lord about Philistia and Moab.  Both of these nations are going to be wiped out.  The Philistines live in Gaza and Ashkelon, right where the Gaza strip is now.  The Lord brought total destruction.  The sword of the Lord has come against it and will not be quiet.   It is interesting that warfare still continues to plague this area.  Now it is the Palestinians that claim this land and fight still against the God of Israel.

Ch. 48 is the Lord's Word against Moab.  Modern day Jordan occupies this territory.   Moab's sin was its pride.   He trusted in his own achievements and treasures ( v7)  He was arrogant toward the Lord. ( v 26)  He was very proud, haughty, arrogant, and self-exalting. (v29)  But God declared that He would break Moab like and undesirable vessel, make him a laughing-stock, put him to shame,  and destroy him as a people.   But, He also declares that He will restore the fortunes of Moab in the latter days.

Isaiah 15 is also a prophecy against Moab.  There are quite a few similar statements.  Both passages mention that every head is bald and beard cut off and that there is much wailing.  Both mention the pride and arrogance of Moab and his false boasts.  And both mention that the heart of God cries for Moab ( Isaiah 15:5 and Jeremiah 48:36).

God is compassionate and gracious and full of loving kindness, but He doesn't let the guilty go unpunished.  And just like Philistia and Moab and Egypt and Israel, when we sin against Him, when we are prideful and arrogant and boast in ourselves, our achievements, and treasures.. He will bring upon us punishment.  If we do not repent and turn to Him, that punishment means destruction.
But,  He gives us Mercy and Grace through Jesus Christ and if we will just turn to Him and seek Him, He will pardon our sins and forgive us for our transgressions.  Oh What a Wonderful God We serve!

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