Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Nov. 6, 2012
Jeremiah 23

Woe to the shepherds - the leaders, the prophets, the priests - those who were trusted with the Words of God, but failed to speak Truth.  They failed to lead in righteousness, wisdom and justice. They spoke about their own dreams and put more emphasis on their own thoughts than the Word of the Lord.  God calls that pollution.
The right way for a leader is to first stand in the council of the Lord. v18 To be in close intimate consultation with the Most High God!  To first see and hear His Word and then present those Words to the people, to the flock.  To carry out His purposes.  To turn the people back from evil ways and deeds.
But they didn't listen to God or heed His Words.  Instead they prophesied false dreams and led people astray with lies. Instead of stopping the evil they actually strengthened them.  They proclaimed peace, but God had no intention of giving them peace when they were committing adultery and falsehood.
They told the people that there would be no calamity.  But in Truth, calamity was about to hit them up side the head!  God was so angry at the prophets for their lying and leading others astray that He was abandoning them altogether.  To pervert the Words of the Lord, to lie, to falsely proclaim a vision or word, will bring everlasting reproach and humiliation.

God promises a Shepherd, a Branch of David Who will reign as King.  Who will act wisely.  Who will do justice and righteousness in the land.  He will be called "The Lord our Righteousness" Jehovah Tsedeq.   "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God"  King Jesus, the Christ, the Lord of Righteousness does reign and will reign forever.  He speaks Truth for He is the Truth.  He does justice and righteousness.  He acts wisely.  He does not cover up sin, but exposes it.  He does not ignore it, but brings forgiveness and deliverance.  Praise God for our Saviour and King! All Hail King Jesus!

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