Thursday, November 29, 2012

11/29/12 Jeremiah 44-46

The people of Judah disobey and go to Egypt.  There they begin to worship the "queen of heaven"
and the gods of Egypt.  They twist things around, believing that it was when they stopped worshiping the false gods that things went wrong.  They refuse to believe anything Jeremiah tells them.  So God sets His face against them to destroy all the remnant that has gone to Egypt, except for a few.
Egypt is also in the crosshairs of God's wrath.  He is sending Nebuchadnezzar to defeat Egypt also.

In the middle of this God sends a message to Baruch, the scribe who writes for Jeremiah.  It is a message of deliverance, " I will give your life to you", but also a warning. "But you, are you seeking great things for yourself?  Do not seek them;"   I can understand why Baruch was weary and groaning, why he had such great sorrow.  The message he had just written for Jeremiah was heartbreaking. Disaster was coming , again!   I can't imagine being forced to leave your land against your will, even though it had been ravaged by war, fire, and disease. And knowing that God had commanded you to stay, you are forced to go... knowing there was no hope in Egypt anyway. 
God reaches out to Baruch in the midst of his despair.  Don't seek things or success or power or escape... I will give you what you need - I will give you life. 

Even in the face of trying circumstances that are in no way compared to what Jeremiah and Baruch were in, I need this reminder. Stop looking for answers, stop groaning about problems, stop seeking Life in any thing except in the Lord Jesus Christ.  He is the ONLY Way, Truth, and LIFE! Amen!

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