Friday, November 23, 2012

11/23/12  Jeremiah 35 Words of Life
Jeremiah dictates a book to Baruch a scribe, writing all the Words that God had spoken to him through the years... 20 years of warnings, prophecies, and reminders.  When the scroll is completed Baruch is told to go on a "fast" day to read the words.  It is over a year before this happens.

The day comes and Baruch courageously stands and reads the Word of God through Jeremiah, to the crowd.  Micaiah hears and reports this to the officials, who then call for Baruch to come and read the words to them.  They tell Baruch to take Jeremiah and go hide.  They then report the words to the king Jehoiakim.   Jehoiakim demands to hear the words and when Jehudi begins reading it Jehoiakim refuses to listens and cuts it in pieces and burns it.

But God is not through yet.  He has Jeremiah dictate the words again, adding more to it !  And one of the things added is that Jehoiakim will not only know that the Words are true, he will experience it himself.  He will die and not be buried like a king and he will not have any descendants to sit on the throne of David.

The Word of God cannot be destroyed by man.  It cannot be manipulated, it cannot be ignored.  There are grave consequences for trying to destroy, ignore, or manipulate the Words of God.  He will not be stopped from His purposes or His plans. 

So thankful that the Words written by Baruch at the dictation of Jeremiah have been preserved.  So thankful that the Lord, God of hosts, Creator of  heaven and earth, speaks again and again, calling us to listen, to find Him, to find Life.  Wonderful Words, Beautiful Words, Wonderful Words of Life!

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