Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Nov. 13, 2012
Jeremiah 26
Yet another opportunity is given to the people to repent and return to the Lord.  To LISTEN and to OBEY the Word of the LORD will turn the Lord's heart from calamity to blessing.  The Lord is willing to change His mind (v13) when we turn ourselves back to Him.
Jeremiah was willing to speak up, but his message was not well received.  In fact, the people, priests, and prophets wanted to put him to death. And Jeremiah rests in the Truth of the Lord, telling them to do what they think is good and right to him, but know that they will be bringing more innocent blood on themselves.
It is actually the officials that intervene for Jeremiah at this time.  In particular, Ahikam the son of Shaphan intervenes.  Shaphan and his son Ahikam are mentioned in II Kings 22 where they find the scroll in the Temple while Josiah is having it restored.  Later, Ahikam's son Gedaliah takes care of Jeremiah.  Gedaliah is put in charge of the remnant left in Judah after Nebuchadnezzar takes the rest into exile.  This family, father Shaphan, son Ahikam, and grandson Gedaliah,  is one of the faithful to stand with Jeremiah and therefore the Lord, it appears.   Yet Gedaliah is slain by Ishmael, a jealous and evil man that Gedaliah actually thought was a friend.

Godly men like Jeremiah and Gedaliah are not immune from suffering for doing what is right.  Jeremiah was called  a liar and hated for speaking God's Words.  Life is unfair and God does not always stop the unrighteous from winning the fight.  How important for us to keep on trusting the ONE who allows things in our lives that hurt us, for reasons we may not understand, because in the end He will win the WAR.

Like the people in Judah we are given the Word - listen and turn from doing evil, walk in the ways of the Lord, obey His voice - this is the only way to ultimately find life and peace.  Help me my Adonai, to Listen and obey.  I surrender to Your ways!

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