Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Nov. 14, 2012
Jeremiah 27 - 28
Jeremiah is told by God to make a yoke and bonds and to wear it around his neck.  This was to symbolize the  command of God to the nations that God was  giving Nebuchadnezzar rule over all of them and even of the beasts of the field.   They were to choose to bow to him and serve him.  This was God's will and command for Judah, Edom, Moab, Ammon, Tyre, and Sidon.  Refusal to serve Nebuchadnezzar would result in judgement of sword, famine, and pestilence.  Bring your neck under the yoke... and live.

But the prophets continued to lie and declare that the Lord was telling them that all would be well and that within 2 years even the things stolen from the Temple would be returned.  Hananiah was one of those false prophets.  Jeremiah did not argue, in fact he said "Amen"  But, the sign of a true prophet is that what he declares happens. Time would tell.

Hananiah broke the yoke off of Jeremiah's neck to show that this would happen to Judah.  But the result was not what he expected. Jeremiah heard from the Lord and the message was that since they refused the yoke of wood, God would replace it with a yoke of iron.  Hananiah lied and made the people believe a lie... it was a counsel of rebellion.  And it resulted in his death.

It seems hard to believe that God wants us to serve a ruler like Nebuchadnezzar.  Or that he would call Nebuchadnezzar  His servant.  But that is what the Word says.  We are to submit to ungodly rulers that God has chosen to put into positions of government.  Romans 13:1-2  repeats this command for the New Testament era - " Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God and those which exist are established by God"
In fact, we are to pray for them. I Tim. 2:2.  
In light of our recent elections, and the choosing of our current president, I find this a bit uncomfortable.  Surely Mr. Obama is not the Lord's servant, or is he?   God has put him into this position for HIS purposes.  What are the modern day prophets saying?  What is God saying?
We are to pray for our government.  Every aspect of it. Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches.
I confess I have failed to do this.  Help me Lord to be more faithful in praying for our country and its leaders.  Help me to be faithful in obedience to the True Word of God in every way.

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