Monday, November 19, 2012

Nov. 19, 2012  Jeremiah 31
Jeremiah is given a dream of the future of Israel and Judah, a pleasant dream of restoration and renewal. The Lord declares His everlasting love for them, He draws them back to himself.  He leads them with supplication - earnest prayer,  from the root word - chanan - gracious, to bow or stoop in kindness to an inferior, to favor or bestow, to grant mercy and have pity upon, to pray .  He will ransom them, redeem them, and turn their mourning into dancing! Hope for a wonderful,bountiful future is given.  God will once again bless His people and be their God.  He will satisfy the weary and refresh those who languish.When Jeremiah awakes he is so happy!

Then Jeremiah is given a wonderful Truth - God is going to initiate a New Covenant.  The old one has been broken. The new covenant will be different.  This time the Lord will put His law in the hearts of individuals, and He will hold each person responsible for their own sins.   Each person, from the least to the greatest will be able to "know the Lord".  Each individual will have the gift of forgiveness and cleansing from their iniquities.  We know that this was fulfilled by Jesus, Who purchased our pardon on Calvary's tree.  And the Holy Spirit Whom He sent to dwell in us and enable us to live according to God's will - His law in our hearts.

A day will come when Jerusalem will be rebuilt for the LORD v38 tells us.  It will be HOLY forever.
Once again as I write this, Israel is being attacked by her enemies, but the Word of God tells us that the God who gave the sun for light by day, who gives the moon and stars at night, who causes the seas to roar - this God will keep Israel as a nation before Him.  Can the heavens be measured?  No! Can the foundations of the earth be searched out?  No!  Then God will not cast off Israel.  God has declared it and it will be so!  Amen!

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