Friday, November 30, 2012

Jeremiah 47-48
Jeremiah is given the word of the Lord about Philistia and Moab.  Both of these nations are going to be wiped out.  The Philistines live in Gaza and Ashkelon, right where the Gaza strip is now.  The Lord brought total destruction.  The sword of the Lord has come against it and will not be quiet.   It is interesting that warfare still continues to plague this area.  Now it is the Palestinians that claim this land and fight still against the God of Israel.

Ch. 48 is the Lord's Word against Moab.  Modern day Jordan occupies this territory.   Moab's sin was its pride.   He trusted in his own achievements and treasures ( v7)  He was arrogant toward the Lord. ( v 26)  He was very proud, haughty, arrogant, and self-exalting. (v29)  But God declared that He would break Moab like and undesirable vessel, make him a laughing-stock, put him to shame,  and destroy him as a people.   But, He also declares that He will restore the fortunes of Moab in the latter days.

Isaiah 15 is also a prophecy against Moab.  There are quite a few similar statements.  Both passages mention that every head is bald and beard cut off and that there is much wailing.  Both mention the pride and arrogance of Moab and his false boasts.  And both mention that the heart of God cries for Moab ( Isaiah 15:5 and Jeremiah 48:36).

God is compassionate and gracious and full of loving kindness, but He doesn't let the guilty go unpunished.  And just like Philistia and Moab and Egypt and Israel, when we sin against Him, when we are prideful and arrogant and boast in ourselves, our achievements, and treasures.. He will bring upon us punishment.  If we do not repent and turn to Him, that punishment means destruction.
But,  He gives us Mercy and Grace through Jesus Christ and if we will just turn to Him and seek Him, He will pardon our sins and forgive us for our transgressions.  Oh What a Wonderful God We serve!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

11/29/12 Jeremiah 44-46

The people of Judah disobey and go to Egypt.  There they begin to worship the "queen of heaven"
and the gods of Egypt.  They twist things around, believing that it was when they stopped worshiping the false gods that things went wrong.  They refuse to believe anything Jeremiah tells them.  So God sets His face against them to destroy all the remnant that has gone to Egypt, except for a few.
Egypt is also in the crosshairs of God's wrath.  He is sending Nebuchadnezzar to defeat Egypt also.

In the middle of this God sends a message to Baruch, the scribe who writes for Jeremiah.  It is a message of deliverance, " I will give your life to you", but also a warning. "But you, are you seeking great things for yourself?  Do not seek them;"   I can understand why Baruch was weary and groaning, why he had such great sorrow.  The message he had just written for Jeremiah was heartbreaking. Disaster was coming , again!   I can't imagine being forced to leave your land against your will, even though it had been ravaged by war, fire, and disease. And knowing that God had commanded you to stay, you are forced to go... knowing there was no hope in Egypt anyway. 
God reaches out to Baruch in the midst of his despair.  Don't seek things or success or power or escape... I will give you what you need - I will give you life. 

Even in the face of trying circumstances that are in no way compared to what Jeremiah and Baruch were in, I need this reminder. Stop looking for answers, stop groaning about problems, stop seeking Life in any thing except in the Lord Jesus Christ.  He is the ONLY Way, Truth, and LIFE! Amen!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

11/28'/12  Jeremiah 40-43
Jeremiah is freed from his chains by Nebuzaradan, the Chaldean captain of the the bodyguard.  This man knows exactly what Jeremiah has been telling Judah, that God has brought about all that has occurred because of the sins of Judah.  This foreigner "gets it" while the priests and kings and leaders don't!   This man also offers Jeremiah anything he wants.  He can go with Nebuzaradan and be taken care of in Babylon, he can go back to  Mizpah where the remnant of Judah is staying, or he can go wherever he wants.    Jeremiah, God's prophet was thrown in prison by God's people and freed by a captain in Babylon.   How backward that seems, but that is so often the way things seem to happen.
It is the same way Jesus was treated.  Killed because of the Jewish leaders, when the Roman authority wanted to release Him.

Gedaliah takes over the governing of the remnant in Judah.  But, Ishmael comes along and kills him.  He also takes the people with him until Johanan comes to the rescue. This starts out well, but takes a bad turn.  Johanan and his fellow commanders come to Jeremiah and ask him to pray and seek the Lord's direction for what they should do next.  Jeremiah prays and speaks the Word to the people, and although they had pledged to obey, they instead call him a  liar and head to Egypt.  And they force Jeremiah to go with them.  This spells doom for Egypt too.

It is not enough to pray and ask God to reveal His will for us.
It is not enough for us to pray and pledge that we will obey.
It is only when we pray, listen, and OBEY that we will bring about God's wonderful plan for us, to bless us and save us.  To build us up and not tear us down, to plant us and not uproot us.  ( 42:10)

Like the remnant of Judah, we deceive ourselves if we pray and pledge to obey, but refuse to follow through.  "Trust and Obey for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey!"
Lord Jesus, Help me to hear when You speak and to obey completely.   Help me to truly hear the Voice of the Shepherd.

Monday, November 26, 2012

11/26/12  Jeremiah 37-39

Jeremiah is arrested and put into a prison/ dungeon at the house of Jonathan the scribe.  Next he is kept in the court of the guardhouse, and thirdly he is thrown into a cistern of mud.  Several times he is interviewed by the king, secretly, and given opportunity to warn the king about what was coming.  Zedekiah had ample opportunity to obey the Word of the Lord, but his pride and patriotism kept him from yielding to the king of Babylon.  Unfortunately, the results were even worse than he probably imagined.  He watched while his sons were killed in front of him and then his eyes were blinded and he was bound by bronze fetters and taken to Babylon. His beloved city was burned just as Jeremiah had warned.
After the siege, after the destruction, all that is left of Judah are the poorest of the people and Jeremiah.  The poor are given vineyards and fields.  Jeremiah is freed from imprisonment and taken home by Gedaliah.  Ebed-Melech, the Ethiopian who rescued Jeremiah from the muddy cistern is also delivered from those who hated him, because he trusted in the LORD.

God gave Israel and Judah every opportunity to repent and return to Him.  He is compassionate and patient. He greatly desired them to live.  He would have gladly saved the city, if they would just trust Him and obey His Word.  But they did not.

This same God, longs to have compassion on us!  He will pardon our iniquities, He will heal our sinful hearts, and He will set us free from sin and death and destruction.  Oh that we will open our hearts to Him.  May we truly listen and obey!  Jesus Christ is our King.  He came to save us.  He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  Come out from the city, from the world of pride and self.  Place your trust in the only One Who knows what tomorrow holds.  Oh Lord God, I place my hope in You!

Friday, November 23, 2012

11/23/12  Jeremiah 35 Words of Life
Jeremiah dictates a book to Baruch a scribe, writing all the Words that God had spoken to him through the years... 20 years of warnings, prophecies, and reminders.  When the scroll is completed Baruch is told to go on a "fast" day to read the words.  It is over a year before this happens.

The day comes and Baruch courageously stands and reads the Word of God through Jeremiah, to the crowd.  Micaiah hears and reports this to the officials, who then call for Baruch to come and read the words to them.  They tell Baruch to take Jeremiah and go hide.  They then report the words to the king Jehoiakim.   Jehoiakim demands to hear the words and when Jehudi begins reading it Jehoiakim refuses to listens and cuts it in pieces and burns it.

But God is not through yet.  He has Jeremiah dictate the words again, adding more to it !  And one of the things added is that Jehoiakim will not only know that the Words are true, he will experience it himself.  He will die and not be buried like a king and he will not have any descendants to sit on the throne of David.

The Word of God cannot be destroyed by man.  It cannot be manipulated, it cannot be ignored.  There are grave consequences for trying to destroy, ignore, or manipulate the Words of God.  He will not be stopped from His purposes or His plans. 

So thankful that the Words written by Baruch at the dictation of Jeremiah have been preserved.  So thankful that the Lord, God of hosts, Creator of  heaven and earth, speaks again and again, calling us to listen, to find Him, to find Life.  Wonderful Words, Beautiful Words, Wonderful Words of Life!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

11/22/12  Jeremiah 35
In this message from God, Jeremiah is told to call in a family, the Rechabites, for a special meeting.  These are descendants of a man named Jonadab, the son of Rechab.   Jonadab is known for aiding Jehu against King Ahab.  He then led his family to be different than the rest of the Israelites.  They never drank wine, they never built  houses (living in tents) and they never were farmers - no fields and no vineyards. They were committed to obeying the instructions of Jonadab and refused to drink wine even when Jeremiah is instructed by God to give it to them.  The Rechabites had reluctantly come to live in Jerusalem only because of the army of the Chaldeans.

God uses this family as a contrast to the house of Judah.  The Rechabites obeyed their father Jonadab, a man who was no longer living and had no more influence in their lives.  But Judah refused to listen to the Words of the Lord God, the Almighty Living One, though He spoke again and again!

The Rechabites are rewarded for their faithfulness and obedience to the commands of their earthly father.  Judah is punished for their unfaithfulness and refusal to obey the commands of their Heavenly Father.

When we listen to God's Word and obey Him, the benefits are overwhelming - Ps. 102 reminds us to Bless the Lord  and to not forget any of His benefits.  He pardons all my iniquities, He heals all my diseases,  He redeems my life from the pit, He crowns me with lovingkindness and compassion, He satisfies my years with good things..... etc.   On this Thanksgiving Day I offer my thanks to my Heavenly Father and remember all of His benefits, His blessings.  You have redeemed me by the blood of the Lamb, You have given to be New Life in Christ, You have made me whole, righteous, and blameless in Jesus my Lord.  To surround me with Your Lovingkindness and compassion is to surround me with Yourself.  Thank You my Lord.   May I walk this day in Your Spirit and Honor You in all that I do and say. Amen.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Nov. 21, 2012 Jeremiah 34

Zedekiah tries to get the people to do something right - to release every Jewish slave from those who have "bought" them, as commanded by God - on the 7th year they should be set free.  And the people did it, but then they turned around and took them back into slavery.  God reminds them about how He had  brought them as a nation out of slavery in Egypt.  But because of their actions He is now sending them to the sword, pestilence and to famine. He is releasing His claim on them.   They wanted freedom from His Law - the Covenant He had with them.  Well, He is granting it - but they are getting release from His Blessings on them also.

 Isn't this just like us?  We want "freedom" to do our own thing, freedom from religion.. as the atheists say... but  along with that "freedom" comes a release from God's blessings.  From peace and joy and love, and hope, and healing and salvation.

 When God is our God, He gives us all His blessings, but He wants all of our will, to obey His commands, to turn to Him. To trust Him.  He knows what is best.  Am I trying to do things my own way, am I holding onto things or people or attitudes that I need to release?   Forgive me Lord and let Your Will be done in every part of my life. You are my God and I will obey You.
Thank You for being a God of compassion and loving kindness, Who pardons our iniquities.
Keep me in Your Hands I pray.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Nov. 20, 2012  Jeremiah 32-33
Jeremiah is imprisoned  speaking against Judah saying that the king of Babylon will win the battle.  It is truth, but Zedekiah does not want to hear it.  The Chaldean's have built seige mounds, many have been killed, captured, or sickened,  but stubborn Zedekiah refuses to admit defeat.  Meanwhile, Jeremiah, in prison, buys a field from his cousin.  Who buys property when they know the city is about to be destroyed, the nation ruined, and you are in prison for treason?   Jeremiah does!   His prayer shows why -  " Ah Lord God! Behold Thou hast made the heavens and the  earth by Thy great power and by Thine outstretched arm! Nothing is too difficult for Thee!" 
Jeremiah recounts the attributes of God - showing lovingkindness to thousands, repaying iniquity, great in counsel, mighty in deed, eyes open to all the ways of men, giving to each one according to his ways and the fruit of his deeds.

Jeremiah reminds Zedekiah of the history of Israel, how God brought them out of Egypt and gave them a covenant that would make them His people .  But the people, the kings, the leaders, the priests, the prophets, the people - all of them turned their back on God, and not their face, refusing to listen, refusing to learn, doing the things that God considered an abomination, sacrificing their children to Molech, worshiping Baal, defiling even the House that was called by God's Name.

Yet even now, God is making a promise to Israel and Judah - a promise to restore the people to the land, to be their God, to hear them when they call on His Name, to heal , to cleanse,  to bring joy and praise and glory, that once again there will be peace and goodness.  A day is coming when the righteous Branch of David will come with justice and righteousness.  An everlasting King and an everlasting Priest.  God who has established day and night, will establish the Kingship of David's descendant.   Jesus Christ is the answer to that promise.  He is King forever!  In Him is LIFE!
He is the source of all life.  He is my life!  Praise His Name, Praise Him!

Jer. 33:13  " .. the flocks shall again pass under the hands of the one who numbers them, says the Lord."  A Shepherd numbers his flock.  He knows each one and He knows when one is missing ( Luke 15:4)  He knows His sheep and calls to them and they follow Him.  Our King will bring us to dwell with Him, in safety and in peace.  He will bring us to a place of rest.  We will sing with the restored nation of Israel " Give thanks to the Lord of hosts, For the Lord is good, For His lovingkindness is everlasting." v.11

The future was bleak during Jeremiah's day.  Jerusalem was about to be destroyed. Life as they knew it would be over and many would never make the journey back from captivity.  But God was not through with His people.  He promised to bring them home.  He promised to bring restoration and salvation. And He did exactly what He said He would.  His promises are true.  We still look forward to the day when we will be HOME, with our Savior forever.  Our Shepherd King will number each one as we pass into eternal rest. Thank You Jesus!  What a day that will be!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Nov. 19, 2012  Jeremiah 31
Jeremiah is given a dream of the future of Israel and Judah, a pleasant dream of restoration and renewal. The Lord declares His everlasting love for them, He draws them back to himself.  He leads them with supplication - earnest prayer,  from the root word - chanan - gracious, to bow or stoop in kindness to an inferior, to favor or bestow, to grant mercy and have pity upon, to pray .  He will ransom them, redeem them, and turn their mourning into dancing! Hope for a wonderful,bountiful future is given.  God will once again bless His people and be their God.  He will satisfy the weary and refresh those who languish.When Jeremiah awakes he is so happy!

Then Jeremiah is given a wonderful Truth - God is going to initiate a New Covenant.  The old one has been broken. The new covenant will be different.  This time the Lord will put His law in the hearts of individuals, and He will hold each person responsible for their own sins.   Each person, from the least to the greatest will be able to "know the Lord".  Each individual will have the gift of forgiveness and cleansing from their iniquities.  We know that this was fulfilled by Jesus, Who purchased our pardon on Calvary's tree.  And the Holy Spirit Whom He sent to dwell in us and enable us to live according to God's will - His law in our hearts.

A day will come when Jerusalem will be rebuilt for the LORD v38 tells us.  It will be HOLY forever.
Once again as I write this, Israel is being attacked by her enemies, but the Word of God tells us that the God who gave the sun for light by day, who gives the moon and stars at night, who causes the seas to roar - this God will keep Israel as a nation before Him.  Can the heavens be measured?  No! Can the foundations of the earth be searched out?  No!  Then God will not cast off Israel.  God has declared it and it will be so!  Amen!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Nov. 16, 2012
Jeremiah 30
In the time of suffering the wrath of God, brought on by their own iniquity and rebellion, God gives hope.  It is He who has given them the incurable wound as punishment for their sins, but it is He who promises healing of that wound and restoration to health. 
An incurable pain from an incurable wound - that is the picture God uses for sin.  He  describes His anger as a tempest, a fierce anger, for He has inflicted the wound Himself.  He vows to not turn back until "He has performed and until He has accomplished the intent of His heart"
What is His intent - to show compassion, to heal and restore, to avenge and to return them to their rightful place where they will have thanksgiving, honor, joy, and right relationship with God.
He will give a ruler, who will come forth from their midst, One that can approach God for them, One who gives His heart as a pledge and His life for them.  Oh Jesus, friend of sinners, thank you for saving me!  Thank you for healing the incurable wound that sin has wrought.  Thank you for drinking the cup of God's wrath on my behalf.  Jesus, what a Saviour!
The gospel in Jeremiah's book!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Nov. 15, 2012  Jeremiah 29
Jeremiah was instructed by God to send a letter to the exiles in Babylon telling them to settle down, build houses and raise their families.  It will be 70 years before anyone returns to Jerusalem.  That is God's plan,  His plan for their welfare and the future of Israel.  They will call on Him and He will answer.  They will seek Him and He will be found, but not until that time.
Again, false prophets go against Jeremiah and even call him a madman.  But those who have spoken lies are the ones who God will judge.  He does not leave the guilty unpunished.
Zedekiah and Ahab were 2 in Babylon who were heading towards an awful death at the hand of Nebuchadnezzar - they would be "roasted in the fire" - they spoke in the Name of the Lord falsely, while committing adultery with their neighbor's wives and acting foolishly.  Another man,  Shemaiah  was also stirring up trouble for Jeremiah and causing the people to believe a lie, preaching rebellion, would be not only killed, but would leave no descendants to come back to Israel.
God does not leave the guilty unpunished.  Ex. 34: 6-7  God meets Moses up on Mt Sinai to replace the stone tablets that had been broken.  Moses has asked God to show Himself to him.  This is God's description of Himself " The Lord, the Lord God, compassionate and gracious ( to bend and show mercy and kindness to an inferior, to bestow favor), slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth; who keeps ( guards and protects) lovingkindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin; yet He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished..."
Moses bowed down and worshiped the Lord in response to His presence and revelation of Himself.  His prayer was one that I will gladly make my own " I pray, let the Lord go along in our midst, even though the people are so obstinate; and do Thou pardon our iniquity and sin, and take us as Thine own possession".  Ex. 34:9

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Nov. 14, 2012
Jeremiah 27 - 28
Jeremiah is told by God to make a yoke and bonds and to wear it around his neck.  This was to symbolize the  command of God to the nations that God was  giving Nebuchadnezzar rule over all of them and even of the beasts of the field.   They were to choose to bow to him and serve him.  This was God's will and command for Judah, Edom, Moab, Ammon, Tyre, and Sidon.  Refusal to serve Nebuchadnezzar would result in judgement of sword, famine, and pestilence.  Bring your neck under the yoke... and live.

But the prophets continued to lie and declare that the Lord was telling them that all would be well and that within 2 years even the things stolen from the Temple would be returned.  Hananiah was one of those false prophets.  Jeremiah did not argue, in fact he said "Amen"  But, the sign of a true prophet is that what he declares happens. Time would tell.

Hananiah broke the yoke off of Jeremiah's neck to show that this would happen to Judah.  But the result was not what he expected. Jeremiah heard from the Lord and the message was that since they refused the yoke of wood, God would replace it with a yoke of iron.  Hananiah lied and made the people believe a lie... it was a counsel of rebellion.  And it resulted in his death.

It seems hard to believe that God wants us to serve a ruler like Nebuchadnezzar.  Or that he would call Nebuchadnezzar  His servant.  But that is what the Word says.  We are to submit to ungodly rulers that God has chosen to put into positions of government.  Romans 13:1-2  repeats this command for the New Testament era - " Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God and those which exist are established by God"
In fact, we are to pray for them. I Tim. 2:2.  
In light of our recent elections, and the choosing of our current president, I find this a bit uncomfortable.  Surely Mr. Obama is not the Lord's servant, or is he?   God has put him into this position for HIS purposes.  What are the modern day prophets saying?  What is God saying?
We are to pray for our government.  Every aspect of it. Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches.
I confess I have failed to do this.  Help me Lord to be more faithful in praying for our country and its leaders.  Help me to be faithful in obedience to the True Word of God in every way.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Nov. 13, 2012
Jeremiah 26
Yet another opportunity is given to the people to repent and return to the Lord.  To LISTEN and to OBEY the Word of the LORD will turn the Lord's heart from calamity to blessing.  The Lord is willing to change His mind (v13) when we turn ourselves back to Him.
Jeremiah was willing to speak up, but his message was not well received.  In fact, the people, priests, and prophets wanted to put him to death. And Jeremiah rests in the Truth of the Lord, telling them to do what they think is good and right to him, but know that they will be bringing more innocent blood on themselves.
It is actually the officials that intervene for Jeremiah at this time.  In particular, Ahikam the son of Shaphan intervenes.  Shaphan and his son Ahikam are mentioned in II Kings 22 where they find the scroll in the Temple while Josiah is having it restored.  Later, Ahikam's son Gedaliah takes care of Jeremiah.  Gedaliah is put in charge of the remnant left in Judah after Nebuchadnezzar takes the rest into exile.  This family, father Shaphan, son Ahikam, and grandson Gedaliah,  is one of the faithful to stand with Jeremiah and therefore the Lord, it appears.   Yet Gedaliah is slain by Ishmael, a jealous and evil man that Gedaliah actually thought was a friend.

Godly men like Jeremiah and Gedaliah are not immune from suffering for doing what is right.  Jeremiah was called  a liar and hated for speaking God's Words.  Life is unfair and God does not always stop the unrighteous from winning the fight.  How important for us to keep on trusting the ONE who allows things in our lives that hurt us, for reasons we may not understand, because in the end He will win the WAR.

Like the people in Judah we are given the Word - listen and turn from doing evil, walk in the ways of the Lord, obey His voice - this is the only way to ultimately find life and peace.  Help me my Adonai, to Listen and obey.  I surrender to Your ways!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Nov. 9, 2012  Jeremiah 25

Judgement.  Not  something we want for ourselves, but glory in when it is handed down to those who have harmed another person, especially ourselves.   Warning after warning has been given to the people of Israel and Judah.  3 times in this prophecy the Lord indicts the people because they " have not listened"  When we listen and heed the Words of God we will be saved.  But when we refuse to listen, when we continue to do the things that He has told us not to do,  He will bring His judgement against us with great anger.   The "cup of the wine of wrath" comes from God's Hands.  It is poured out on every nation, every "inhabitant of the earth".  None is free from punishment,  none can refuse this cup of wrath.  "You shall surely drink!"  He declares. 
We do not listen to Him, but continue to provoke God to anger when we do not "turn now everyone from his evil way and from the evil of your deeds" Verses 6-7 repeat the phrase " work of your hands"  It is repeated again in v. 14 for the nations, besides Judah and Israel. 
What is this "work of your hands" that provokes God to such wrath?   The worship of idols and especially the sacrifice of children to those idols.  This is sited over and over again - II Kings 17, Isaiah 55, Jeremiah 4, 7, 32 .  32:33 " And they have turned their back to Me, and not their face; though I taught them, teaching again and again, they would not listen and receive instruction."  They even put idols in the temple of God.  Defiling His Holy place.

Do we do that?  Do we fail to listen to God's warnings and teachings?   Do we allow idols in His Holy place - into our hearts and souls?  Do we sacrifice innocent children?  Our nation is not free from God's judgement or punishment.  If we provoke His Wrath we will be judged and the cup of His wrath will be poured out and we will drink.

Turn back O nation!  Turn and listen to the Word of God.  Stop doing evil.  We are recompensed for our deeds, for the work of our hands.   What am I doing with my hands today?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Nov. 7, 2012

Jeremiah 24
"What do you see?" God asks Jeremiah.   2 baskets of figs - the good ones, very good;  the bad ones, so bad , so rotten , they could not be eaten.  Both were set before the temple.  Offerings?  Who would offer a sacrifice of rotten figs?  Figs weren't used in sacrifices, were they?

So what is the significance?  Hosea 9:10 " I found Israel like grapes in the wilderness; I saw you forefathers as the earliest fruit on the fig tree in its season. "  But when they served Baal, they devoted themselves to shame and became as detestable as that which "they loved"
Micah 7:1 -  A first -ripe fig  is highly desired and is here compared to  a godly person- none to  be found.
Isaiah 28:4  The first-ripe fig prior to summer - so desirable that the person who sees it, as soon as it is in his hand he gobbles it up.
Figs are often dried and kept for food as cakes - Abigail brought them to David in IISamuel.
They did not become rotten because they were old.  They were rotten because of the tree.
Jesus looked for figs on a tree when he walked to Jerusalem.  When it did not have any produce, He cursed the tree and it withered.
He also gave a parable about the fig tree - when you see the leaves, you can know that the season has come - summer is here.  He compared that to His second coming.  Mark 13:28 -31  "Now learn the parable from the fig tree; when its branch has already become tender, and puts forth its leaves, you now that summer is near. Even so you too, when you see these things happening recognize that He is near, right at the door. Truly I say to you this generation will not pass away until all these things take place"

In Jeremiah's time, God compares the good figs to those who are going into captivity.  He tells them that He will:
Set His eyes on them.
Bring them up again.
Build them up.
Plant them and not pluck them.
Give them a heart to know Him.
Be their Lord and they His people.
He will be their God and they will return to Him with their whole heart.
They are desirable.  They are wanted and have value and worth to Him.  He is sending them out of the land for their good.

But the rotten figs are equated with those who stay in Jerusalem or run to Egypt.   They have not obeyed God's commands.  He has told them over and over that He will not rescue them any longer.  Leave or die. Jeremiah 21:8-9
  He will:
Make them a terror and an evil, a reproach, a taunt, a curse, in all places.
Send the sword, famine, and pestilence to destroy them and remove them from the land.
The sword - war, enemies, killing, violence,  bloodshed= death
famine- no rain, no crops, no food. =death
Pestilence -plague, destroyer,  fatal diseases - virus, infectious, contagious, epidemics. = death

Over and over the message is given and is consistantly the same- obey God, KNOW Him, return to Him.  If you do, He will be with you and help you, even if that means moving you out of where you are for a time.
Ignore or turn from Him, refuse His ways, stubbornly do your own thing - death will be all you can look forward to, for it will come.  If the sword doesn't get you, famine or disease will.
Choose life!  Choose God! He will help you.  You are desirable to Him.
Thank You Father, for Your marvelous grace.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Nov. 6, 2012
Jeremiah 23

Woe to the shepherds - the leaders, the prophets, the priests - those who were trusted with the Words of God, but failed to speak Truth.  They failed to lead in righteousness, wisdom and justice. They spoke about their own dreams and put more emphasis on their own thoughts than the Word of the Lord.  God calls that pollution.
The right way for a leader is to first stand in the council of the Lord. v18 To be in close intimate consultation with the Most High God!  To first see and hear His Word and then present those Words to the people, to the flock.  To carry out His purposes.  To turn the people back from evil ways and deeds.
But they didn't listen to God or heed His Words.  Instead they prophesied false dreams and led people astray with lies. Instead of stopping the evil they actually strengthened them.  They proclaimed peace, but God had no intention of giving them peace when they were committing adultery and falsehood.
They told the people that there would be no calamity.  But in Truth, calamity was about to hit them up side the head!  God was so angry at the prophets for their lying and leading others astray that He was abandoning them altogether.  To pervert the Words of the Lord, to lie, to falsely proclaim a vision or word, will bring everlasting reproach and humiliation.

God promises a Shepherd, a Branch of David Who will reign as King.  Who will act wisely.  Who will do justice and righteousness in the land.  He will be called "The Lord our Righteousness" Jehovah Tsedeq.   "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God"  King Jesus, the Christ, the Lord of Righteousness does reign and will reign forever.  He speaks Truth for He is the Truth.  He does justice and righteousness.  He acts wisely.  He does not cover up sin, but exposes it.  He does not ignore it, but brings forgiveness and deliverance.  Praise God for our Saviour and King! All Hail King Jesus!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Nov. 5, 2012

Jeremiah 20
 Pashhur - libreration, son of Immer, chief officer in the house of the Lord, had Jeremiah beaten and put into stocks because of his prophecies.  Jeremiah  tells him something that Pashhur doesn't know, God has another name for you Pashhur, not liberation, but terror Magor-missabib - terror on every side.  Jeremiah 6:25 - terror on every side is coming from Babylon - in the field, on the road.... 20;10 - the whisper of many are blaming this on Jeremiah.  But God puts the blame on Pashhur - he will be a terror, he will see terror, he will experience terror personally.  He will watch as his friends are killed by the sword, he will be taken into captivity, he will never return from Babylon.   Why?  Because Pashhur spoke lies.  he falsely prophesied.  "Liberation" is taken captive because he refused to listen to the Word of God. 
Jeremiah has been beaten and stuck into stocks.   He is in pain and he has been mocked and laughed at.  He feels as if God has deceived him. To speak God's Words should be a blessing, a happy thing .  But instead, Jeremiah has been ridiculed, derided, and made to feel like everyone is against him, even the Lord.  Yet, God speaks to him and he can't stop speaking what God wants him to say.   His heart burns, he can't hold it in.  So it finally just bursts out.  " O Lord of hosts, thou who dost test the righteous, Who seest the mind and the heart; Let me see Thy vengeance on them. For to Thee I have set forth my cause. Sing to the LORD;  praise the LORD! For He  has delivered the soul of the needy one from the hand of the evildoers. "  Jeremiah goes on to rue the day he was born.  He wonders if life is worth the pain and anguish he is feeling.

What God does and allows in our lives doesn't always feel good to us.  We do feel deceived. We feel the anguish of unanswered prayer and the shame of being mocked and ridiculed by others.  Especially when that comes from someone in the "church".  But like Jeremiah, we must speak the Word of God and we must recognize that it is He Who sees our hearts and minds, who will deliver us, and Who deserves our songs and our praise. Trouble, sorrow, shame... the storms of life, are not what we necessarily want our lives to be full of.... but what God allows for His purposes.

Jeremiah 21-22
 King Zedekiah makes Pashhur come to Jeremiah and request a word from the Lord.  They are now looking into the face of Nebuchadnezzar and the terror is on every side.   Jeremiah speaks all that God has been pouring into him.  All the wrath that is going to be poured out on Judah because they refused to obey His Word.  Justice and righteousness and deliverance of the oppressed.   That was the king's job - and he failed miserably.

The way of life and death ( 21:8)  is clearly set out by God.  Fight it or surrender to it.
The way of life is surrender.  Do justice and righteousness, deliver the one who had been robbed by his oppressor,  don't mistreat foreigners, widows, or orphans,  don't shed innocent blood. Plead the cause of the afflicted and needy. "Is not this what it means to know Me? declares the LORD"
The way of death is stubbornly fighting the will of God, the inevitable, forsaking Him and bowing to other gods, intent on your own dishonest gain, shedding innocent blood, practicing oppression and extortion. Evil deeds will be punished accordingly. 
II Chron. 36 records the fulfillment of the words of Jeremiah. Down to the last word.