Monday, October 31, 2022

Psalm 98

 Psalm 98 We praise the Lord with singing..  "with the lyre.. and the sound of melody.. with trumpets and the sound of the horn... " 

The earth itself breaks forth in song to the Lord.. "Let the sea roar and all it contains.. the world and those who dwell in it.. Let the rivers clap their hands.. Let the mountains sing together for joy.. " 

We sing to the Lord "a new song, for He has done wonderful things. His right hand and His holy arm have gained the victory for Him. The Lord has made known His salvation;"

Our God reveals His righteousness.. His faithfulness.. and His lovingkindness to His people. And all on the earth "have seen the salvation of our God."  Though.. sadly.. not all will admit it. 

The psalmist proclaims this truth.. ".. He is coming to judge the earth; He will judge the world with righteousness, and the people with equity." 

Our God is "ready to forgive".. for He is good.. He is great.. His lovingkindness is abundant! But, He is also a righteous judge, holy and just.  Those who will not turn from evil.. those who will not call upon the name of Jesus for the salvation freely given.. will be judged.. with equity.. and will be cast out of His Presence.  They will find no joy.. no peace.. no love.. no hope.. 

God is God alone.  There is no other way than the way that He made.. through the Lord Jesus Christ, who died to pay the penalty for our sins.. who rose again from the grave in victory over death.. and who ascended to heaven, to the right hand of the Father.. that He might make intercession for us.. prepare a place for us.. and come again to reign forever with us!  Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Father in heaven, how we praise Your holy Name!  You are good and worthy of all honor and glory and praise. We come to You today, singing our songs of joy.. for You have done great things for us. You have given us such grace and mercy.. You have delivered us from our sins, set us free from death, and made us alive forever in Christ!  Thank You, Lord!  We ask for Your kingdom to come and for Your will to be done. We ask for Your Spirit to move in our homes, in our churches, and in our world.. to bring salvation to those who still walk in darkness. Let the Light of Your Countenance shine through Your people today. We are Your witnesses.. surrendered to Your purposes and plans.  May Your Name be lifted up in our lives today, Jesus!  Amen!

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