Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Psalm 92

 Psalm 92  "It is good to give thanks to the Lord, and to sing praises to Thy Name, O Most High.. " 

It is the lovingkindness and faithfulness of our God that move us to give thanks and praise to Him.  It is what He has done.. the "works of His hands".. His uprightness, His grace to us.. that we are so grateful for and cause us to offer up songs and declarations and proclamations of His goodness towards us. 

There are those who declare themselves enemies of the Lord. The psalmist says that they sprout up.. "like grass".. they "flourish".. but, "It was only that they might be destroyed forevermore."  

It is the "righteous man" who will "flourish like the palm tree.. like a cedar of Lebanon..  planted in the house of the Lord.They will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still yield fruit in old age; They shall be full of sap and very green.. "

Do we want to be like grass?  Or would we rather be like fruitful trees that stay young and full of life? That is the difference between those who love the Lord and trust in Him fully.. and those who choose sin and self instead. 

I keep thinking about Psalm 90-- Mose's prayer. He speaks of the anger of God.. the "fury" towards sin.... so much so that "we have been consumed" by His anger. "Who understands the power of Thine anger, and Thy fury.. " Moses wrote.  Why does sin make God so angry?  Sin separates us from Him.. Adam and Eve hid from God in the garden.. and every sin.. every lie, every theft, every act of hatred or cruelty.. every attitude of pride or superiority.. every time we turn from Him to another.. we turn away from Him.. and it makes Him angry.  "Our God is a consuming fire," the writer of Hebrews wrote.  He hates the sin that has stolen away our hearts..Yet,  He has given us a way back.. a way out of that prison of darkness.. a way free from the evil one and his spell.  He gave us Jesus, His beloved Son, so that we can escape..and come into His holy Presence! 

 But, we must make that choice..each of us..individually.. of our own free will.  If we stay separate.. we stay in the darkness and will be burned up like the grass.  But, if we choose Him.. choose to put our trust in the salvation provided by Jesus on the cross.. we will have every sin forgiven and will "flourish in the courts of our God."  Hallelujah!  What a Savior!

Father, thank You for providing a way, when there was no way!  You have made us glad by what  You have done! Your works are great!  Your lovingkindness is abundant! Your ways are perfect! We sing praise and thanksgiving to Your great Name. Amen and amen!

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