Monday, October 3, 2022

Psalm 82

 Psalm 82 The Psalmist here is lamenting the fact that God's judgements seem quite unfair to him.  It seems that the  "wicked" are getting away with murder.. while the "weak and fatherless.. the afflicted and destitute.. the weak and needy" are suffering unjustly.  His prayer rises up in a desperate plea.. "Vindicate.. Rescue.. Deliver.. "Arise, O God, judge the earth! For it is Thou who dost possess all the nations." 

We wonder, sometimes, about this same thing in the world today.  Why do the wicked get rich and the righteous seem to eke by..  If we are all "sons of the Most High".. if we are all in the same boat.. headed to judgement before the same God.. why are things the way they are?

Again, the words that Andrew Murray wrote so many years ago.. that I just read this morning.. speak to the very issue .. the issue of sin in the world.. 

"Never forget.. " he begins, "that your whole relationship with God depends on what you think of sin and of yourself as a redeemed sinner.

It was because of sin that God did not spare His own Son. It was sin that nailed Jesus to the cross, and revealed the depth and the power of the love with which He loved.... never forget that it was sin that led to your experience of salvation in Jesus Christ, and that each day He greatly desires to deliver and keep you from its power and transform you into His likeness."

"... it is the thought of sin that makes Christ so precious, keeps us dependent on His grace every moment, and inspires us to lay claim to being more than conquerors through Him who loved us. It is the thought of sin that calls us to thank God with a broken and humble heart." 

We see the wickedness around us.. we hear of their exploits and callousness. But, if we look closely, we will see that they too.. are aware.. even if they don't admit it.. the certainty of coming judgement.  Even when we feel like the psalmist, that God is not being fair.. let us remind ourselves, that God is always just and that we have experienced His mercy.. His deliverance.. and that He will vindicate His own people.  Let us remember that without His grace we would be in the same boat as those who we are so upset about.  So, as we pray for the weak, the fatherless, the afflicted, the destitute, the needy.. let us also pray for those who are "wicked".. lost.. walking in darkness.. not knowing or understanding.. let us ask the God who possesses "all the nations".. to move mountains.. to part the waters.. and to bring the lost .. home.. to find the Life that is in Christ alone. 

Father, hear our prayers . Send forth workers into the harvest.. bring the lost to Yourself as only You can do. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen

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