Monday, October 17, 2022

Psalm 91

 Psalm 91 "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty."  What a wonderful place to be! When we seek Him.. we find all that we need:

We find "refuge" in Him.. for He is a mighty "fortress".

We find that we can trust in Him.. and He will "deliver us" - from snares, from "deadly pestilence". .from terrors and arrows.. from evil and from plagues. 

In the Most High.. we find our "dwelling place".  He is our forever home.  He is our shelter and our defender. 

Verses 14-16 are His words to each of us who trust in Him... let me make it personal and not an exact quote:

Because you have loved Me.. I will deliver you. 
I will sit you up in a secure place because you know My name.
When you call on Me, I will answer you.
I will be with you in trouble.
I will rescue you and honor you with a long life.
I will satisfy you and let you see My salvation!

Hallelujah! Our God is good! He is abundant in lovingkindness.. in mercy and grace.  He is great in all He does!

Father, thank You for loving us and bringing us to Yourself.. that we might call on Your Name and be saved. Thank You for being our fortress and our deliverer. Thank You for covering us with Your wings and being our shield and bulwark!  Thank You that we do not need to be afraid, but rest in Your faithfulness.  Let us dwell in You.  Strengthen us in faith.. in love.. and in grace.. that we might be all that You have planned for us to be. Draw us nearer and nearer still.. filling us with Your Spirit.. to do the work that You put into our hands, for the glory and honor of our Lord. Amen.

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