Monday, October 10, 2022

Psalm 86

 Psalm 86  Andrew Murray wrote, ".. the psalms take us into the sanctuary of God's presence to experience the riches of fellowship with Him. If you truly desire, each morning, to meet with God and worship Him in Spirit and in truth, then let your heart be filled with the Word of God expressed in the psalms. As you read the psalms, underline the words Lord or God wherever they occur, and also the pronouns referring to God: You, He, and I... the underlined words will assist you in connecting the content of the psalm with God, who is the object of all prayer." 

So, I tried this in Psalm 86.. 44 times, David directs his prayer to the Lord! His prayer is clearly focused on the only One who hears.. the One that David trusted.. the One that he worshipped. We can learn much about how to pray for this psalm.. 

"Incline Thine ear, O Lord, and answer me; for I am afflicted and needy." (v1)  "Blessed are the poor in spirit.." Jesus taught.. and we recognize that truth as David did.. for we are all in great need.. spiritually poverty stricken.. without any way to provide life or help for ourselves.  We call out to the Lord who hears and answers our cries:

Preserve our souls.. 

Save Your servants.. 

Be gracious to me..

"Make glad the soul of Thy servant, for to Thee, O Lord, I lift up my soul." (v4) 

This is a prayer from someone who desperately knows his need and humbly bows before the Lord.  Do we come to the Lord in prayer with this sense of desperation and humility? 

David's prayer is lifted up.. and his heart begins to worship:

"For Thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive, and abundant in lovingkindness to all who call upon Thee." (v5)

"There is no one like Thee among the god's O Lord; Nor are there any works like Thine." (v8) 

"For Thou art great and doest wondrous deeds; Thou alone art God." (v10)

"But Thou, O God, art a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abundant in lovingkindness and truth.." (v15)

These are great verses to incorporate into prayer.. to connect with God who is present.. to unite with Him in fellowship.. to truly worship. 

David expressed thanksgiving to the Lord in this prayer:

"I will give thanks to Thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart, and will glorify Thy name forever." 

And, he expressed his commitment and devotion:

"Teach me Thy way, O Lord; I will walk in Thy truth; Unite my heart to fear Thy name." (v11) 

Father in heaven, we join in this prayer of David's, seeking Your presence and fellowship; bringing our desperate needs before You; and bowing before You in worship.. in spirit and in truth.  You are gracious and merciful.. You hear our cries and help us.  You are our comforter and Savior.  Thank You for saving us, for lifting us up out of the ashes and bringing beauty and strength so that we can have life in Jesus Christ our Lord.  May all the nations worship You. May Your Kingdom come and Your will be done!  You alone are God and we are Your servants.. the sheep of Your pasture.  Be glorified in us and use us as You choose.. for the glory of Your Holy Name. Amen. 

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