Thursday, October 13, 2022

Psalm 89

 Psalm 89  The first 37 verses of this psalm proclaim the lovingkindness, faithfulness, righteousness and justice of the Lord.  It recalls the covenant that the Lord made with David, to establish his throne forever.  But in verse 38 the psalmist begins to lament.. for it appears that the Lord has abandoned and rejected His people and "spurned the covenant" of His servant David. 

 "How long, O Lord?" the psalmist prays.  The Lord is hidden.  His wrath is like a fire.  It seems that there is no hope of salvation.. that there is no purpose to life.. that there is no more that he can do.. that it is just all too much. "How do I bear in my bosom the reproach of all the many peoples.. " he  cries. 

The prayer has been lifted before the Lord.. praise and worship.. desperate petitions.. and then, with a final surrender, having left it all on the altar.. he ends, "Blessed be the Lord forever! Amen and Amen." 

Every word of this prayer is directed to the Lord Most High. The psalmist appeals to the love, the mercy, the greatness, and the character of God.. for this is still and yet.. his hope.  His faith is in the Lord, who is able.. the Lord who is faithful.. the Lord who keeps His covenants.  And so, we also pray..

Father in heaven, Your lovingkindness is "built up forever".  Your faithfulness is established in the heavens. Your promises are true and are complete in Christ Jesus, the eternal King, who fulfills every one. Father, we sometimes fail you. We sometimes become unfaithful.. yet You are always faithful.. and we are so thankful! Lord, may our faith and hope be established in the truth of Your Word, by the power of Your Spirit at work in our hearts, to bring honor and glory to Your anointed One, Jesus Christ, our Lord and King! Amen and Amen. 

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