Thursday, October 20, 2022

Psalm 93

Psalm 93   This psalm proclaims the majesty of our God.. His excellency, His glory, His magnificence, His highness, His triumph, His increase..  "The Lord reigns,  He is clothed with majesty;"  the psalmist writes, "The Lord has clothed Himself with strength.. " 

My God.. established the world so that  "will not be moved." 

My God.. established His throne from eternity past.. to eternity future!

My God.. rules over the floods and the pounding waves.. that offer up themselves to Him!

My God.. is mighty!

My God.. is true!

My God.. is holy!

My God.. is unmoveable, unchangeable, immutable, eternal, omnipotent, and so, so, good. 

Father in Heaven, we praise Your Name and proclaim Your majesty!  Be glorified in Your people. Dwell in us, Christ Jesus, filling us with all that is true and faithful and holy.  Help us to walk in Your truth and proclaim the great gospel of salvation so that the lost can be saved by the power of Your Name. Amen. 

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