Friday, October 7, 2022

Psalm 85

 Psalm 85  Look at what the Lord has done, the psalmist writes:

He showed us favor.
He restored us from captivity.
He forgave our iniquity.
He covered our sin.
He withdrew His fury.
He turned away His anger.  (v1-3)

It's like he is saying.. listen.. remember.. take note.. this is what the Lord has done for YOU!  What Grace!
It is by grace that we have come to know Him.. to have our blind eyes.. opened.  To have our sinful hearts cleansed.. to be freed from the penalty of sin.. from death.. from darkness.. from hell.  Christ Jesus took upon Himself the wrath that was rightfully ours.. He bore it.. His blood has turned away our punishment. Hallelujah ! What a Savior!

Because of this.. we can pray.. boldly come to the throne of grace.. and ask these things that are impossible for man.. but wonderfully provided by our Lord:

We ask for the "God of our salvation" to "restore us".  To keep us from all anger and indignation that we might cause Him when we fail.. 
We ask for continual revival and rejoicing in Him.
We ask for His unfailing love and kindness.. and for the salvation of others. 
We ask for His peace.. wholeness and health and rest in Jesus. 
We ask the He keep us from foolishness. 
We ask that His Kingdom come, that we might dwell in His presence forever.

The beauty of these next verses are surely the answer to such a prayer:
"Lovingkindness and truth have met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other. Truth springs from the earth; and righteousness looks down from heaven." 
The Lord gives us what is good. He provides for our needs. He leads us in paths of righteousness. "and will make His footsteps into a way." (v10-13)

Father in heaven, praise and honor and glory to Your Name!  Your unmeasurable goodness and eternal love are awesome and amazing! Father, let Your Name be exalted in all the earth.  May Your will be done and Your Kingdom come. We do ask for daily bread.. for forgiveness of sins.. and for merciful hearts to have forgiveness and love for others.  We pray that You would lead us into all righteousness and deliver us from all evil. We come with hearts of gratitude for all that You have given to us.. for Your favor..for Your salvation.. for Your Presence.  All praise to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.. Three in One.  Amen. 

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