Thursday, October 27, 2022

Psalm 97

 Psalm 97  This psalm exults the reign of the Lord Most High.  Jesus told Pilate, "My kingdom is not of this world.. " ( John 18:36)  The writer of Hebrews assures us, " Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude  by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe; for our God is a consuming fire." ( Hebrews 12:28-29) 

This is the Kingdom that we celebrate in Psalm 97 "The Lord reigns; let the earth rejoice; Let the many islands be glad." 

We rejoice because " Righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne."   Think of this.. what nation.. past, present, or future.. besides the Kingdom of God, has such a foundation?  Our country may be better than some.. or even than most, but we lack true justice and there are few that desire what is righteous. 

Our God will judge the earth with righteousness and justice.. and for this we will rejoice.  His "adversaries" will be burned up.  The "earth will tremble". The mountains will melt "like wax".  When He comes again, there will be no question that Jesus reigns.. "over the whole earth".  Hallelujah!

The psalmist encourages the wanderers to look to the heavens, for they "declare His righteousness".  Look to His people, who have seen His glory.  Be ashamed of the "graven images".. the false gods.. and "Worship Him" !

Our God is "the Lord Most High over all the earth.."  Therefore we exalt Him.  We hate evil. We find deliverance from the wicked. We find light and gladness in Him. 

".. give thanks to His holy name." 

Father in heaven, it is with grateful hearts that we come to bow before You and worship.. in spirit and in truth.  For You reign with righteousness and justice.. and Your Kingdom will never end.  Thank You for the promise of a kingdom that will not be shaken!  Our world has seen many "kingdoms" fall and many that have become corrupt and cruel. We pray for Your children, our brothers and sisters in Christ, who suffer even now at the hands of Your adversaries.. and ask that You would deliver them.. " preserve the souls of [Your] godly ones.. " Lord Most High!  We rejoice in You, giving thanks with sincere hearts.. with reverence and awe...  In Jesus' name we come and ask for Your glory to be made known in all the earth!  Amen. 

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