Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Psalm 99

 Psalm 99 "The Lord reigns, let the people tremble.. "   This is the appropriate response to the reign of God.. trembling! 

His throne is higher than anything and everything!
His Presence is "great" and He is exalted!
His Name is "awesome".
He is Holy!
He loves justice.
He gives strength to His servants.
He "established equity.. and executes justice and righteousness." 

This is the God we worship!

It is the testimony of Moses and Aaron, that they called on the Lord and He answered.. that He forgave their sins.. that He avenged evil deeds.  And, most of all, that He is holy!

The psalmist invites us to come worship God.  May we do so with great joy!

Father in heaven, we exalt Your Holy Name. We give thanks to You and praise Your Name to all the earth!  The Lord is God alone! There is no other.  He alone created the heavens and the earth.  He is our Maker and we are His people.  He has revealed to us His salvation through Jesus Christ.. Emmanuel.. God with us.. who came to earth, setting aside His rightful place.. to become a sacrifice.. a Lamb, who takes away the sins of the world.  O how we praise You, Lord!  You are good. You are gracious and merciful.  You are abundant in lovingkindness.  You give help to us in our needs.  You comfort us in our grief.  You strengthen us in our weakness.  You hold us in Your mighty Hands.  You never leave us or forsake us. Thank You! May Your Name be exalted in all the earth, Lord Most High.  Our world is in desperate need of You.  Come and fill Your people with power from on high, that we might go out as witnesses to the Truth. Let Jesus Christ be glorified in the lives of His church today we pray. Amen. 

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