Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Matthew 24:1-14

 Matthew 24:1-14  Jesus and His disciples leave the city and up onto the Mount of Olives. The discussion started with Jesus' revelation that the temple was going to be torn down.. "not one stone here shall be left upon another.. "  It must have been hard for them to imagine.. this beautiful, sturdy structure that signified the Presence of God in Israel.. would be gone. The natural question was.. "when?"

They wanted to know about the "coming" of the King and "the end of the age".  At least they were beginning to understand that much.. that there was to be a time when Christ would come to reign..that it was beyond the here and now.. bigger than the triumph over Rome or any other conquering nation.  Perhaps they were beginning to get a glimpse of the true greatness of their Lord... 

Jesus gives us two exhortations for this time, while we wait for His return.. 
1. Don't be "mislead".
2. Don't be "frightened". 

Don't be mislead... by people who claim that they are "the Christ",  Don't be mislead by false prophets.  Two real threats to the church of Christ. The KJV uses the word "deceive" here.. Don't be deceived, don't be lead astray.. don't wander off from the truth.. or from safety. Jesus tells us 4 times in this discourse to not be deceived or mislead.. v4,5,11 and 24 -   "For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect."  Jesus wants us to be prepared for this.. it will happen.. and we need to be ready. All the more reason we must put on the armor of God every day!

Don't be frightened.. by wars or rumors of war;  of nations that rise against nations.. of famines and earthquakes.. of tribulations and persecutions.. of death on account of His Name. 

Don't be frightened for "the one who endures to the end, he shall be saved." This is the good news, the "gospel of the kingdom" that "Shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations, and then the end shall come."

Even if others follow another "christ".. we will not. 
Even if others believe a false teacher.. we will not.
Even if the world is in chaos and wars continue.. we will stand in faith not fear!
Even if there are famines and earthquakes.. we have His peace for He is with us!
Even if we are delivered up.. hated.. or killed because of His Name.. we will remain in Him. 
Even if lawlessness increases and "most people's love" grows cold.. we will abide in His Presence. 

For we know that it will be worth it all.. to endure unto the end... for we will be "saved".  We will "lay up for [ourselves] treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and were thieves do to break in or steal.. "(Matthew 6:20) and not in the trappings of this world.   We will put our trust in the Lord our God!

Father in heaven, we see so many things happening in our world today that make us aware of the "birth pangs" that are taking place. We look up with expectation for the coming of our Savior and King.  Yet, we know that trials will come.. tribulation will come.. persecution will come, so we ask that You would give us strength to endure.. to keep in the Truth and not be mislead.. to not become frightened but to live in faith. Keep our love from growing cold, Lord.  Keep our eyes on Jesus.  Let us remain in Him, abiding - in communion and fellowship with our Risen Savior who is coming again. Amen 

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