Thursday, August 18, 2022

Matthew 22

 Matthew 22:1-14  Jesus tells another parable to describe the Kingdom of God. He compares it to a king who "gave a wedding feast".  

The invitations had been sent out.  (to the people of Israel)
The slaves went to gather those who were invited. -(the prophets)
But, those invited were "unwilling to come".
More slaves were sent out.. "everything is ready, come to the wedding feast" -  these were ignored; mistreated, or killed -  ( like the prophets had been)
The king "was enraged" (wrath) - and he sent out armies who "destroyed those murderers and set their city on fire" ( the wrath of God will be poured out on all unwilling to come to Him)

Then, he sent out his slaves to find more people to come to the wedding feast since the first group was "not worthy" - ( the gospel has gone out to everyone.. Jew or Gentile, rich or poor,  "evil and good")
They came to the wedding feast and filled the hall. ( The invitation is freely given and all can come in)
But.. the king entered the hall "to look over the dinner guests"  and "he saw a man not dressed in wedding clothes.. "  This man was bound "hand and foot and cast into the outer darkness; in that place there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth."   - 


Because there is more to being a Christian than just an acknowledgment of the invitation - that is like the seed sown in the thorny ground that sprouts up quickly but dies quickly too.  The Kingdom of God is much more significant than that.. it belongs to the "poor in spirit".. to the merciful.. to the peacemakers, the gentle, the pure in heart.. it belongs to those who do "the will of the Father". 

"For many are called (invited) but few are chosen ( elected or selected)".   All are invited to follow Jesus.. but only those who actually do it have the Kingdom and are saved from the wrath of God. We must lay down our lives, take up our crosses, and follow Jesus.. walking "in love, just as Christ also loved [us] and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma."  ( Eph. 5:2)

Father in heaven, once again I am reminded of Paul's exertion to "present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.. "  May we no longer be conformed to the thinking of this world that calls us to think only of ourselves.. our desires.. our wills;  but to be "transformed by the renewing of [our] mind(s).. "  so that we can know Your will  which is good and perfect and acceptable in Your sight. (Romans 12:1-2)  All to Jesus.. our Savior Who gave His all for us.. that we might be not only invited to the wedding feast, but to be welcomed with Your arms opened wide.. May Your Kingdom come, gracious God.. and may we be willing.. and ready! We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen

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