Monday, August 22, 2022

Matthew 22

Matthew 22:23-33  Question #2 is offered up by the Sadducees.  We are told that they did not believe in the resurrection. Acts 23:8 tells us that they did not believe in angels or spirits either. These men were all about money, politics, and their positions.  

This question was meant to  challenge Jesus regarding the resurrection:  a man marries and dies before he has any children, one after another, six brothers do their duty and marry her, but none have children before they die.  Finally the woman dies. "In the resurrection therefore whose wife of the seven shall she be? For they all had her."  

Jesus cuts right to the heart of the matter - their unbelief.. "You are mistaken, not understanding the Scriptures, or the power of God."   

He quickly deals with the surface issue of the woman and her husbands - briefly, the answer is -none of them.. "For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven."   In that one sentence Jesus confirms the truth of the resurrection and the truth of the existence of angels.  

Jesus then goes on to prove to them the truth of the resurrection - "... have you not read that which was spoken to you by God, saying, 'I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?' He is not the God of the dead, but of the living."  This quote was from the book of Exodus.. God introducing Himself to Moses at the burning bush.  The Sadducees knew this Scripture.. how had they not noticed the present tense of those words?  If they believed that what God said to Moses was true... they could no longer deny the resurrection!

The multitudes were "astonished".. and the Sadducees were "silenced". 

We still have Sadducees among us in this world, don't we?   "Religious" people focused on material goods, wealth, power... not believing or understanding the Word of God or the power of God.  They don't think that God pays any attention to how we act or live.  They choose to believe what they want to support their own ideas and ignore or reject the rest. They may be religious.. but their hearts are far from God.  

To be fair, we also have Pharisees among us too.  The Pharisees were the "separated ones".  They considered themselves separate from the common people and separate to the Law.  They made Judaism all about obedience to the Law and then added and changed the laws as they wanted to suit themselves. It is similar to many sects that exist in our world today. 

Father in heaven, let Your Word fill us.. grant us understanding and wisdom.. that we might truly live as Your servants.. Your children.. in this world today.  Keep us from the trap of living "religious" lives that are vain and worthless because they miss the Truth of Who You are and Who Jesus is.  Thank You that we can know You, our Maker, the God of the living!  Thank You that we can be set free to love You and serve You with whole hearts by the power of Your Spirit who dwells in us.  Keep us in Your ways, Lord Jesus, that we might always be ready for the day when we will be present with You forever.. for You are the Resurrection and the Life. Hallelujah! 


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