Monday, August 8, 2022

 Matthew 20:17-28  Jesus and the disciples begin their journey to Jerusalem.. the time was coming near.. and the disciples were not ready for what was coming. 

 "Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem; and the Son of Man will be delivered to the chief priest and scribes, and they will condemn Him to death, and will deliver Him to the Gentiles to mock and scourge and crucify Him, and on the third day He will be raised up." 

There it is.. plain as day. Not the first time that Jesus told them this. But, they still don't seem to be listening.  Instead.. the mother of James and John comes to Jesus to request seats of honor for her boys. Jesus gives an answer that is far more impactful than they realized at the time. "You do not know what you are asking for... " 

They didn't know they were asking for a bitter cup to drink.
They didn't know they were asking for a position reserved for the Father's choice.
They didn't know they were asking to be servants.. slaves.. surrendering everything for His sake. 

But, they would know soon enough.. They would witness the crucifixion of their King.  They would face persecution and imprisonment. James was martyred by Herod ( Acts 12:2)  John would be exiled to Patmos.  Indeed they would "drink [His] cup".  They would serve. They would surrender all.. because they witnessed the resurrected Lord who had given His life as a "ransom for many".

They would finally understand the purpose and the promises of Jesus, the King.. and they would no longer ask for privileged places to rule.. but would lay down their lives.. take up their crosses.. and follow Jesus. 

Father in heaven,  again we are made aware that Your ways are not our ways.. that Your thoughts are not our thoughts.  Your Kingdom economy is nothing like that of the world.  You value service, not power.  You value humility, not pride.  You value sacrifices of obedience and generosity.. mercy and grace.  You have a whole different definition of success and wisdom and worth.  Thank You for teaching us these Truths through a Living example..  our Lord, Jesus Christ who came to serve.. giving His life as a ransom for us.  We are so thankful. We desire to be all that You want us to be.. to trust You with each day as we walk this earth, and to trust You with our eternal future.  May Jesus Christ fill us with the Holy Spirit so that we might be good and faithful servants.  Amen. 

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