Thursday, August 11, 2022

 Matthew 21:12-17   Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem, coming as the rightful King, the One who was about to do what no other king could do.. and His first act was to cleanse the temple.  Here is where the Presence and Name of Jehovah was to be honored and worshiped.  Here is where the sacrifices - the burnt offerings, the grain offerings, the thanks offerings.. and the sin offerings were supposed to be brought.. to restore and reconcile..  the people of God with their God and King.  It was supposed to be more than obedience.. it was supposed to be acknowledging their total dependence and love for Him. It was supposed to be "HOLY"..   "It is written, 'My house shall be called a house of prayer.. "  the Scriptures taught..  This was the place for foreigners to "join themselves to the Lord, to minister to Him, and to love the name of the Lord, to be His servants.. " (Isaiah 56:6) 

Yet.. ".. you are making it a robber's den".. Jesus accused the priests and scribes.  Jesus, the true King and High Priest of Israel, made it His first priority to cleanse the Temple.  He overturned tables.. removing money-changers and dove sellers. He cast out all the buyers and sellers.  He received the blind and lame who came to Him "and He healed them". He accepted the songs of the children singing "Hosanna to the Son of David".  He rebuked the priests and scribes with the Word.. "Out of the mouths of infants and nursing babes Thou hast prepared praise for Thyself.. " 

This was the number 1 priority for the King coming triumphantly into Jerusalem.  It should have been the priority for the priests and scribes.. but it was not.  They failed to take responsibility for the most important job they had.. to worship and serve the Most High God... to honor Him above everything and everyone else..  Instead,  they turned against the One who had come to reveal their sinful hearts. 

Father in heaven,  let us learn from this.. let us see clearly the times in our lives when we fail to take responsibility for the work that You have called us to.. when we neglect the most important things - worship and service to our God and King.. and focus on selfish desires.  Thank You for the Truth of Your Word.. for the power of Your Spirit who fills us.. for the Presence of our Lord Jesus, who has made us whole, cleansing us from our sins, and leading us in paths of righteousness for Your Name's sake. May our relationship with You always be the priority of our lives. This we ask in the Name above all other names .. the name of Jesus. Amen. 

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