Tuesday, August 9, 2022

 Matthew 20:29-34  A "multitude"  of people followed Jesus from Jericho to Jerusalem.  It is a week before Passover.. a week before He would be crucified.. a week full of teaching and preparing the disciples for what was going to happen next.  A lot would happen that last week.. but, Jesus is never in too much of a hurry for people in need... people who cry out to Him. 

"And behold, two blind men sitting by the road, hearing that Jesus was passing by, cried out, saying, 'Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David.'"     These men had heard about Jesus.. they knew that He was the Healer.. they knew that He was "Lord".  They called Him the "Son of David".. acknowledging His kingship.  When told to be quiet they shouted "all the more"... they would not give up their one chance to receive what only Christ could give.. their sight. 

"And Jesus stopped and called them, and said, ' What do you want Me to do for you?'"  What a wonderful question.. 

Their answer was simple, "Lord, we want our eyes to be opened."  And with compassion, "Jesus touched their eyes; and immediately they regained their sight and followed Him." 

This makes me think about our prayer lives.. 

We can call out to Jesus.. acknowledging that He is our Lord and He is the King.
We can continue to pray and call out to Him, even when we are discouraged by others or by our own doubts.
We can trust that Jesus hears us... that He wants to know what we want Him to do for us, too. 
We can make our requests known to Him.. "by prayers and petitions, with thanksgiving".. 
And, we can experience His compassion and grace... 

It is Christ that opens all of our blind eyes.. that we might truly see Him, the Lord and King.. the Savior who went to the cross. 

Compare these two men.. once blind and now with eyes to see.. following Jesus - to the rich young ruler, who had everything money could buy.. but went away blinded to the truth of Who Jesus is. 
Who would we rather be?

Father in heaven, You are our Mighty God and Gracious Father.. thank You for the truth of Your Word, that always challenges.. but always moves us closer to Your heart.  We acknowledge the power of Your Spirit at work in us.. drawing us into deeper faith.. greater love.. and a fuller knowledge of Your Word.  Lord, like the blind men, we ask that our eyes be opened, to see You ever more clearly.. to be led by Your Spirit.. in faith, in obedience, and in surrender and sacrifice.  May Your will be done in us.. in Your church.. to the glory of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  It is in His name that we pray. Amen. 

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