Wednesday, August 3, 2022

 Matthew 19: 13-26   "Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."   The disciples wanted to send the children away.. but Jesus wanted them to come close to Him.  He laid His hands on them and prayed for them.  The kingdom was theirs... so the King was their king.  Our King does not send away those who come to Him... Oh what wonderful grace!  

In John 6:37 Jesus said, "All that the Father gives Me shall come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out."  

In contrast, the young man who came to Jesus wanting to justify his works.. feeling his lack.. unwilling to let go of his wealth.. "went away grieved.. " 

Jesus said it is hard for "a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven".   The children owned it, but the rich man struggled and did not follow Jesus.  It is astonishing, isn't it?  But, as we have heard over and over again through the teaching of Jesus.. God's economy is not anything like man's.  "Then who can be saved?" the disciples asked...  "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." 

Andrew Murray wrote this, "Think for a moment of the marks of a true faith. First of all, faith counts upon God to do all He has promised as the only measure of its expectation. It does not rest content with taking some of the promises; it seeks nothing less than to claim every promise that God has made, in its largest and fullest meaning. Under a sense of its own nothingness and utter impotence, faith trusts the power of an almighty God to work wonders in the heart in which He dwells."  ( from Daily in His Presence). 

This is what the children had and the young rich man didn't.. that realization of "nothingness" and "impotence"... They were "poor in spirit".. beggars in need of life.. and they came to the One who would never "cast them out"....  the young rich man was just as poor in spirit..just as much in need of life...  he just didn't know it. 

Father, we come to You recognizing our utter helplessness.. the impossibility to save ourselves.. and we are so thankful that we can come to Jesus and receive life.. hallelujah!  What a Savior!  We pray for those who are lost, like that young man.. thinking they can save themselves.. not realizing their own helplessness and impotence.  Open their eyes, Lord!  We praise You.. the God who does what is impossible! Let Your Kingdom Come! Thank you for giving us Your precious promises.. that You will not cast us out.. that You will never forsake us.. that You are God of heaven and earth and You have provided salvation through Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God.. to all who will come!  Glory and honor and power belong to our Father and to the Son, in whose name we come. Amen!

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