Friday, August 5, 2022

Matthew 20:1-16

Jesus said, "But many who are first will be last; and the last first." ( 19:30)
And, He said, "Thus the last shall be first, and the first last.."  (20:16) 

By this we know that the parable is meant to teach the disciples an important principle of the Kingdom.  This parable is related to Peter's question about leaving behind everything and following Christ. 

The parable begins with a landowner who goes out "early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard." We learn that he made an agreement with some laborers "for a denarius for the day", and sent them to work.  This was a fair wage for a day's work of 12 hours in the vineyard. This is the only group that asks for a specific pay. 

But then, the landowner goes out and finds more workers. Some come at 9:00, some at 12:00 and some more at 3:00.  He offers each of these "whatever is right".  They would probably expect less than a day's wage, but were probably happy to have work that day.  Finally, the landowner goes out at the "eleventh hour" - 5:00.. an hour before quitting time.  Even though the time is short, he sends them into the vineyard too.  Everyone else was probably happy to have some extra hands to work with them.. until... 

The evening came and everyone was done for the day and the foreman was ready to hand out the pay.  The landowner starts with the last group of laborers... and pays them a denarius!  A very generous gift for an hour's work.  Every group is paid the same.. coming to the first group who had worked all day -12 long hours. When they received the same pay.. which they had contracted for.. they grumbled.  It wasn't fair that the others received the same pay for less work..  I imagine most of us might feel the same way. 
But, the landowner was right.. they had agreed to work for a denarius and he did not owe them any more than that.. and he had the right to give the others more than they had actually worked for.. it was his money to use as he wanted.  

The first group was paid last.. and they were envious of the last group that was paid first. So, what does this have to do with the disciples?  The last group of workers had left their pay up to the landowner.. they had no expectation of receiving a whole day's pay. They had no contract. They had no rights for such a generous pay. They received far more than what they would have asked for... But, the first workers had expectations.. they had settled on their "reward" at the beginning.. they had determined their worth.. and then wanted to change their minds when they saw what happened to the others. 

Do we think that God owes us something for the years of service to Him? To we have expectations of our own worth? Are we willing to just trust and obey.. and leave everything in His hands?  Peter wanted to know "what then will be for us?"  Jesus says.. more than you can imagine.. just leave it to Me!  The point is not to work for a certain outcome.. but to leave it all in the Hands of our loving Father who will always do "whatever is right"... He does more than we could ever ask or imagine. 

Father, take my expectations.. my narrow view of life and eternity.. and let me rest in the greatness of Your love and grace.  I am Your servant.. sent into Your vineyard.. to do the work of Your Kingdom.  Let Your will be done, Your Name exalted, and Your Kingdom come!  I put my trust in You.. for now and for eternity. Thank You for every drop of mercy and every ray of grace that You pour out on us. We pray for Your Spirit to fill us with Your great love, that it might overflow from our hearts to those we meet.  In Jesus' name we come.. resting entirely in Your Sovereign will.  Amen. 

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