Tuesday, August 2, 2022

 Matthew 19:1-9  As Jesus left from Galilee and came to Judea He was followed by "great multitudes" seeking healing.  He was also followed by some Pharisees who were seeking to test Him again.  This time they had a sticky question about divorce.. "Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any cause at all?"

 According the the Bible Dictionary .. there was a debate between the Jewish rabbis.. one group said that any reason for divorce was acceptable.. the other group insisted that it could only be legal if the wife was immoral.  The "certificate of divorce" that Moses "permitted" ( not "commanded")... was granted for the sake of the innocent wife who was sent away from her husband.  The Key Word Study Bible commentary suggests that this would clear the woman from the stigma of guilt so that she would not be accused of adultery and then would be free to remarry without be considered an adulteress. 

Jesus avoids any of the debate and goes back to the beginning of marriage.. how it is meant to be.. "Have you not read, that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female; and said, 'For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and the two shall become one flesh'?"  

God made us - men and women. ( No matter what our culture wants to believe) and  He designed marriage as a permanent covenant. There is beauty and joy and blessing in His perfect plan...   

Yet, He also understands the hearts of mankind.  He knows our failures and mistakes.. our sinful ways are not hidden from Him at all.  No, He doesn't want divorce.. in facts He hates it.. He sees the hurt of the innocent party.. the sorrow of broken homes.. the guilt of immorality..but,  He still wants us to come to Him and find forgiveness and restoration..  Oh how thankful we are for His amazing grace!

Father we live in a culture overwhelmed with immorality of all kinds.  We have called wrong "right" and right "wrong".  We have allowed divorce so much that the covenant of marriage seems to have lost its meaning.  Many don't even bother with legal marriages.  There are "marriages" that are totally immoral according to Your Word. We are a mess of confusion and foolish "speculations".  We have "exchanged the truth of God for a lie.. " ( Romans 1).  We observe with our own eyes more and more depravation.. more unrighteousness.. more "wickedness, greed, evil;... envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice.." and more.  Lord God, we are without excuse in this country.  We know that You will come and "render to every man according to his deeds."  Father, we come to the One who alone can save us from this sin. Help comes from the Lord!  It is in Jesus Christ that we believe and find justification through the redemption He has provided. O, praise the Lamb who was slain for us!  Praise to our God and Father, for You have saved us from every sin by the sacrifice of the Beloved Son.  How can we ever thank You enough? We give You all our praise and glory and honor Your holy Name. Amen and amen!

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